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Clean Technology Conference and EXPO 2009

2009-3-3 14:13| 发布者: 周华| 查看: 1143| 评论: 0|原作者: webmaster|来自: 本站原创

Clean Technology is a multi-disciplinary and multi-sector conference addressing advancements in traditional technologies, emerging technologies and clean business practices applied towards a more sustainable future. The mission of Clean Technology is to bring together the entire Clean Technology ecosystem with the goal of accelerating the flow of technologies from development to implementation.


Six primary sources of content that represent the entire hierarchy of technology commercialization and implementation.

  • Technical Research: universities, corporate and government labs
  • IP & Venture: TTOs and early stage companies
  • Company Presentations: show floor product and company presentations
  • Corporate Needs: company presentations on strategic technology needs
  • Policy & Investment: invited speakers — investment and policy
  • Sustainable Industry: invited speakers — sustainable best practices and valuation


Focused on SMEs and country/regional representative organizations across every aspect of cleantechnology as defined below. This expo is unique to the world because it brings together the full ecosystem of clean technology providers and end users across all industrial sectors.


