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发表于 2005-10-26 17:45:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    上海飞羿计算机仿真技术有限公司已经成为美国TECPLOT Inc.公司在中国的指定代理商,负责TECPLOT软件在国内的销售和技术支持。
    如果您在使用中遇到任何问题,如果您还不了解TECPLOT的强大功能,如果您还没有成为TECPLOT 正式用户……,请与我们联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。
地址:上海宜山路 822 号 421室
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:16:21 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由周华在 2005/10/26 06:18pm 第 1 次编辑]

TECPLOT is built by engineers for engineers Tecplot是绘图和数据分析的通用软件,对于进行数值模拟、数据分析和测试是理想的工具。作为功能强大的数据显示工具,Tecplot通过绘制XY,2-D和3-D数据图以显示工程和科学数据。
    4、能直接将结果在互联网上发布,利用FTP或HTTP对文件进行修改、编辑等操作。也可以直接打印图形,并在MICROSOFT OFFICE上复制和粘贴。
    5、可在WINDOWS 9x\Me\NT\2000\XP和UNIX操作系统上运行,文件能在不同的操作平台上相互交换。
    随着功能的扩展和完善,在工程和科学研究中Tecplot 的应用日益广泛,用户遍及航空航天、国防、汽车、石油等工业以及流体力学、传热学、地球科学等科研机构。
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:24:34 | 显示全部楼层


Tecplot 10 New Features
Version 10 marks a major milestone for Tecplot. The latest release includes new capabilities in three key areas: plotting, data managements, and the user interface.
These enhancements provide more control to explore, analyze and communicate results.
New Features in Tecplot 10:
01. Undo   
02. Variable & Node Map Sharing   
03. Data Journaling
04. Auxiliary Data
05. Cell-Centered Data Options
06. Polar Plots
07. RGB Color Flooding
08. Specular Highlights
09. Animate Time or Zone Groups   
10. Multiple Contour Variables  
11. 3-D Scatter Symbols  
12. Image Import  
13. Frame Linking Options  
14. Improved Data Loaders  
15. Super Sampling Options  
16. JPEG Export Options  
17. Flash (SWF) Export Options   
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:27:52 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由周华在 2005/10/26 06:36pm 第 1 次编辑]

1. Undo enables you to reverse view changes, style changes, and data operations at a click of a button — giving you freedom to explore and analyze your data without hesitation.
2. Variable and Node Map Sharing reduces memory usage and improves performance by sharing variables and node maps between zones. Define one grid definition for time-dependent and iterative solutions with non-moving grids. This applies to structured and unstructured data.
3. Data Journaling  eliminates the requirement to save modified data files when writing out layouts. Data alterations are saved in your layout file and applied when the file is opened. View and modify data journaling commands in any text editor.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:38:14 | 显示全部楼层


4. Auxiliary Data Options enable you to attach supplementary information (name/value pairs) to data sets, frames, or zones. Auxiliary data can be read from your data file or set by a macro or add-on. View auxiliary data from the data menu, use in equations or display as dynamic text.
5. Cell Centered Data Options make it possible to read and display cell-centered data or a combination of mixed node and cell-centered data. Point objects such as vectors and scatter symbols can be plotted at the cell center, face center or node locations.
6. Polar Plot Capabilities enable polar line plots. In this example: R=f(Theta).
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:40:30 | 显示全部楼层


7. RGB Color Flooding makes it possible to assign up to three variables to the red, green, and blue channels. Use RGB color flooding with multi-phase and multi-component flows to view concentrated and diluted regions.
8. Specular Highlights add realistic lighting to 3-D plots. Surface reflections provide a better understanding of 3-D shapes.
9. Animate Groups of Zones or Animate by Time provides the ability to animate time-dependent solutions and/or groups of zones without writing a macro. Grouping and selecting by a time stamp can be performed with one-click via the Animate Zones dialog.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:45:34 | 显示全部楼层


10. Multiple Contour Variable Features enable you to view and analyze multiple variables at once. Assign different contour variables to different zones or display multiple contours for a given zone. You can also display a separate contour variable on iso-surfaces.
11. 3-D Scatter Symbols enable you to display spheres and other 3-D shapes for symbols. Like all symbols in Tecplot, you can size them proportionally to a specific variable.
12. Image Import allows logos and bitmapped images to be incorporated into your plots.
13. Frame Linking Options provide more control between and within frames. Link slices, iso-surfaces and other attributes between frames. Link axis styles, grid line styles and Zone/Map attributes within frames. Save time and generate your plots with less effort.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:48:14 | 显示全部楼层


14. Improved Data Loaders incorporating variable and node map sharing, auxiliary data and cell-centered data capabilities into the PLOT3D, CGNS, and Fluent loaders.
15. Super Sampling Options create anti-aliased images that export with eye-pleasing on-screen graphics. Anti-aliasing softens jagged edges making text easy to read and objects appear to be smooth.
16. JPEG Export Options enable you to display continuous-tone images in HTML documents over the Web and other online services. JPEG, a true color format, retains all color information in an image while compressing file size by selectively discarding data (lossy compression). To control lossy compression a Quality slider is used.
17. Flash (SWF) Export Options let you create high-quality, true color animations. Tecplot’s Flash output is extremely flexible. You select movie width, quality, size, speed and smoothness. Combined these options create vivid, eye-pleasing graphics. Flash plays in QuickTime and other freely distributed media players. Flash files can also be inserted and viewed directly in HTML Web documents and MS PowerPoint.
发表于 2005-10-27 08:08:16 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-27 13:12:32 | 显示全部楼层


不错的阿 我喜欢!
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-27 22:22:27 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-27 23:06:41 | 显示全部楼层


tecplot, easy to learn and use, and if you pay more efforts, you can get better plots.I like it!congraulations! by the way, can universities buy it at a cheaper price?
发表于 2005-10-29 11:47:48 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-29 20:42:07 | 显示全部楼层


only a update charge 1000$
发表于 2005-10-31 21:45:20 | 显示全部楼层


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