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The lid-driven cavity problem has been used a test or validation case for incompressible Navier-Stokes equation solvers. Let's consider two-dimensional unsteady flow in a square domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions on all sides, with three stationary sides and one moving side. Based on the lid velocity U and cavity height (or width) H, Reynolds number can be dened as Re = UH/v where v is kinematic viscosity. The velocity of the impulsively started lid is given by a step function ulid = U for t 0 and ulid = 0 for t < 0.
Make your own fortran program to solve two-dimensional unsteady
ow based on a projection method. Describe your projection method in detail. Note that you may use the explicit second-order Adams-Bashforth method for convection term and Crank-Nicolson scheme for viscous term. You need to use the second-order central dierence scheme for spatial discretization in a uniform staggered grid.
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