发表于 2013-9-23 20:37:49
回复 1# zqb138 的帖子
your picture is not quite right to begin with. The bounce-back BCs and most variations CANNOT impose the flow BCs on nodes. The BCs are satisfied at the location which are some distance away from the last fluid node, depending on what model you use (LBGK, MRT, etc.). To address this problem you may have to use the MRT-LBE which can control the problem. A discussion of this is given in the following paper and refs. therein:
L.-S. Luo, W. Liao, X. Chen, Y. Peng, and W. Zhang.
Numerics of the lattice Boltzmann method: Effects of collision models on the lattice Boltzmann simulations.
Physical Review E 83(5):056710 (May 2011). |