发表于 2015-3-25 11:34:32
本帖最后由 luo@odu.edu 于 2015-3-25 12:26 编辑
Yes, we did (use the relationship between Kn and the viscosity). The key point is the von Karman relationship given by Eq. (2), which related Kn to both Ma and Re. Furthermore, we only claimed to solve the compressible, low-speed, isothermal Navier-Stokes equations, and we demonstrate the convergence.
Equation (29) and the ensuing discussion are our criticism about the lattice BGK model, and the faith based on it to claim the "Knudsen effects"; that is, we analysis the defects of the LBGK model and what has been sold as snake oil. It is NOT what we do nor what we promote.
If the only point of an argument is "You did it, too", then it won't be so convincing, is it?
I would urge those who are interested in the work to read the paper, and read it CAREFULLY.