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流体中文 网 第二 届数值 模 拟 大赛
徐 慎 忍 id: flowinflow
February 2, 2015
计算条件:The flow conditions for this case is summarised b elow:
• Mach number: 0.75
• Angle of attack: 2.72度
• Reynold’s number: 6.2 × 1000000
The conve rge d (s ee convergence criteria in the previous section) flows for both SA and SST turbulence mo dels are obtained and shown in Fig.2. Through numerical exp e rime nts, it was found that the setting that affects the final flow most is the turbulence mo del. On the left hand side of Fig.2, the sho ck p ositionfor SST is slightly ahead of that with SA mo del. Consequently, the eddy viscosity for the res ult with SST mo del is a ls o more diss ipate d in the wake, probably due to enhanced mixing. The pressure co efficient distribution for b oth results are compared with the
exp erimental results provide d by cfluid.com in Fig.4. Both SA and SST predicted a sho ck lo cation b ehind the actual one in exp eriment. The dis crepancy between SST and exp eriment is smaller than using SA mo del. Never the less ,both show significant different in the pressure after the s hock. It is sp eculated by the authors that this significant error is due to the difference b etween the geometry used in the computation and the actual geometry, as the pressure distribution difference seems to close ly relate to the trailing edge shap e. This will b e the topic of further investigation.