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[导师招生] 香港理工大学招流体力学博士(2020年9月入学)

发表于 2020-1-14 11:39:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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香港理工大学航空航天系招有关射流的实验或数值模拟方面的博士生(2020年9月入学),有意请联系Prof. Yu  (simon.c.yu@polyU.edu.hk) 或 郭会芬(微信号:wxid_33npc5fk99yu22 (昵称:happyday))

A PhD scholarship is available at theInterdisciplinary Division of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, Hong KongPolytechnic University, Hong Kong, PRC in the area of Experimental andComputational Fluid Dynamic Studies in Starting jets and plumes
Please contact Prof. Simon C. M. Yu (simon.c.yu@polyU.edu.hk)
Some papers from Prof Yu's research team areshown below
J.J. Ai, S.C.M. Yu, A.W.K. Law and L.P. Chua,(2005), Vortex dynamics in starting square water jets, Physics of Fluids, Vol.17, Article 014106.
J. J. Ai, A.W.K. Law and S. C. M. Yu (2006), On Boussinesq and Non-Boussinesq starting forced plumes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 558, pp. 357 -386.
S. C. M. Yu, J. J. Ai and A. W. K. Law (2007) Vortex formation process in gravity-driven starting jets, Experiments in Fluids, Vol.42, No. 5, pp. 783-797.
S. C. M. Yu, J. J. Ai, L. Gao and A.W. K. Law(2008), Vortex Formation Process of a Starting Square Jet, AIAAJ, Vol. 46, No.1, 223-240.
L, Gao, S. C. M. Yu, J. J. Ai and A. W. K. Law(2008), Energy and Circulation for starting jets, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 20,Issue 9.
L. Gao and S. C. M. Yu (2010) A modified slug model for vortex ring formation process, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 656,pp. 205-222.
L. Gao and S.C.M. Yu (2012) Development of Shear Layer behind the Leading Vortex Ring in a Staring Jet, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 700, pp.382-405.
L. Gao and S. C. M. Yu (2016) The formation of leading vortex pair in two dimensional starting jets, AIAA Journal  Vol.54, No. 4 (2016), pp. 1364-1369.
L. Gao and S. C. M. Yu (2016) Vortex ring formation in starting forced plumes with negative and positive buoyancy Physicsof Fluids 28, 113601-1.

发表于 2020-3-30 09:28:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-3-31 07:42:41 | 显示全部楼层
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