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发表于 2002-5-8 01:44:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2002-5-9 01:44:19 | 显示全部楼层


1. 对自己的计算结果持怀疑态度比盲目相信CFD结果好多了.
2. 对要模拟的流动现像必须有最基本的了解,这样至少对计算结果定性上是否合理能有了判断.
3. 定量上分析则困难多了,你要求的精度越高,越想了解流场的细节,则对方法 模型 网格质量等等的要求都相应提高,有的常常会超出现有软件和计算机所具有的计算能力,当然也推动着它们的发展.
4. 实践出真知,多算.多参考.多阅读.多交流.多思考,你就多一份对计算结果的信心,CFD在你的应用中的作用就会越大.
 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-9 04:57:39 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2002-5-21 21:57:25 | 显示全部楼层


To make sure a result is correct:
1.Try to understand the real problem as much as possible.
2.The simulation model should be reflect important features that you care about.
3.The simulation results should be similar to experimental results.
4.Little difference between experimental results and simulation is allowable.
5.Experimental results are always  right if great difference between the 2 methos for the experimental results can't go too far to the real world while the silulation method maybe does..
发表于 2002-5-25 09:34:10 | 显示全部楼层


I agree with Rambol, you must consult the chemically reacting tests results first, this is just to get some impression and concepts about what will happen in your problem. Then if you does not find serious unblievable results, you can think it's just OK! By the way, I do agree with your idea, in CFD research, such problem will always exists -- we validate our results with test results, but the test results can also be wrong, so nothing is guranteed, this make CFDer looks like a tourist who enter a funny circle, when people ask you 'do you believe your result?', you should answer 'yes', but in your heart, the answer is always 'I'm not sure!' Haha, anyway, best wishes for your computation, as I know the chemical reaction is really a challenge.
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