发表于 2005-9-29 08:34:01
4.6 Summary and Conclusions
Historically, the subject of car following has evolved over the
past forty years from conceptual ideas to mathematical model
descriptions, analysis, model refinements resulting from
empirical testing and evaluation and finally extensions into
advanced automatic vehicular control systems. These
developments have been overlapping and interactive. There
have been ebbs and flows in both the degree of activity and
progress made by numerous researchers that have been involved
in the contributions made to date.
The overall importance of the development of the subject of car
following can be viewed from five vantage points, four of which
this chapter has addressed in order. First, it provides a
mathematical model of a relative common driving task and
provides a scientific foundation for understanding this aspect of
the driving task; it provides a means for analysis of local and
asymptotic stability in a line of vehicles which carry implications
with regard to safety and traffic disruptions and other dynamical
characteristics of vehicular traffic flow; it provides a steady state
description of single lane traffic flow with associated road
capacity estimates; it provides a stepping stone for extension into
advance automatic vehicle control systems; and finally, it has and
will undoubtedly continue to provide stimulus and
encouragement to scientists working in related areas of traffic
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