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[这个贴子最后由nexta在 2008/03/31 01:05am 第 1 次编辑]
2008年,各类支持全球定位系统的导航设备取得了长足的发展, 这些导航设备的应用将扩展至互联网领域。
今年3月27日,创业公司Dash Navigation推出车载导航设备Dash Expres,售价为400美元。Dash Express不仅能实现行车路线导航,还可以通过特殊的RSS种子获取其它信息或第三方服务
内置WiFi和GPRS、实现Web网站连接的PND“Dash Express”
能够利用PND连接至Yahoo! Local,获取饭店、加油站等设施信息及其位置信息。可弥补PND此前设施信息等较少的不足。
Dash Express 2-Way Internet-Connected Portable GPS Navigator
Available in Amazon.com
The most accurate and current traffic data
Dash approaches traffic in an entirely different way – by collecting it from other people driving real commute routes, during real commute times. Each Dash Express anonymously and automatically sends its position and speed back to servers at the Dash Network Operations Center. The Dash servers then update all other Dash devices in the area with current road speeds. That way, members of the Dash Driver Network always have the best, most up-to-date traffic information available.
The Dash Driver Network and superior routing are major differentiators, but they aren';t the only elements that make the Dash traffic solution superior to that of other GPS devices. For Dash drivers, live traffic information is broadcast instantly over a high data-rate cellular connection, rather than via a carousel on a one-way analog FM signal like some other “connected” devices. As a result of the two-way, “always-on” connection, the depth and breadth of information Dash can receive is far superior to most other GPS devices.
Up-to-date data
And Dash Express uses an on-board historical traffic model that covers 10x the number of road segments of any other product. Non-connected GPS devices get more out of date every day you own them. But each Dash Express receives monthly updates with the latest national historical model so you are always up-to-date.
http://www.dash.net/product/traffic-ddn.php |