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发表于 2007-5-21 16:33:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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有做AMR(adaptive mesh refinement)自适应网格算法研究的吗?我是新手,只是知道要用AMR算法求解时,对于二维的问题要用四叉树,3维的用八叉树,但是进行区域划分的网格上的数值怎么再用数组记录了,希望高手能够指点一下迷津,在此先谢过了!
发表于 2007-5-30 05:34:44 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-6-30 14:16:38 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-6 10:29:57 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-7 10:27:54 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-9-7 12:01:11 | 显示全部楼层


Here is the link in Aoxue forum, I have attached some of my initial results there. If you are interested, please go and have a look.
发表于 2007-9-11 16:18:42 | 显示全部楼层


希望能跟感兴趣的朋友多多交流![br][br][以下内容由 zzuhuyan 在 2007年09月11日 04:20pm 时添加] [br]
发表于 2007-9-13 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层


haha, I am not in China at the moment. The code I have used was developed by other people, but I am expected to incorporate the AMR method into my hybrid code to do the global simulation of magnetosphere, and to improve the current code efficiency by using high-order resolution scheme.
发表于 2007-9-13 00:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


Haha, if you give me money, I can do it for you, and much better than the current code.
发表于 2007-9-13 08:48:56 | 显示全部楼层


I am very sorry to say that i have no enough money, since i am just a graduate student for my doctor degree now. I just want to discuss this interested  topic with people who has the same interest, of course, if you like.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-19 14:48:55 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由jiajialily在 2007/09/19 02:53pm 第 1 次编辑]

merryfish, where are you, USA? PPPL? I know some peoples in this institute wh o do the AMR. I want to know what AMR, do you have used? That is patch-based or bisection? I see you statement on the website, maybe, it is patch-based? yes, or not?
发表于 2007-9-24 18:32:24 | 显示全部楼层


  还望赐教!多谢1[br][br][以下内容由 zzuhuyan 在 2007年09月24日 06:47pm 时添加] [br]
3、你做的问题是两维还是三维?如果是三维的话,能否秀一下三维图片,三维可视化用什么做的?Visit? or other?
[br][br][以下内容由 zzuhuyan 在 2007年09月24日 06:53pm 时添加] [br]
4、你是否用的Michigan';s model or other?
发表于 2007-10-26 23:16:24 | 显示全部楼层


Good news for the AMR community are that we have won a project to develop a parallel amr MHD code using adaptive unstructured mesh. Hopefully, we will finish the code development in three years and will open as a free software under GPL2.0. So everybody can download and use that code in the future.
发表于 2007-10-26 23:21:36 | 显示全部楼层


We did use BATSRUS code at the moment, but we also use other AMR MHD code at same time. There are a lot of software to do the postprocessing including tecplot. I only posted the figure produced by Tecplot.
Three-dimensional plots are not easy things to do, but look much better than 2D plots, especially the 3D movie looks very nice.
发表于 2007-10-28 11:22:32 | 显示全部楼层


It';s a good news for parallel AMR practitioners! I am waitting here for your progress. I, with my parter, are now trying to develop a parallel AMR model for space weather modeling just like BARTRUS. However, we would like to use a more simple but robust higher order Godunov-type scheme. Being the first step, we use the parallel AMR toolkit PARAMESH to do AMR. We are very happy to know something about your new project. One question: what kind of unstructured grid (tetrahedron/hexahedron) will you use?
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