发表于 2007-1-27 12:10:27
下面引用由没人理在 2007/01/26 09:09pm 发表的内容:
哦,我想了解不同介质在其他条件相同的情况下(譬如说结构、入口压力、出口压力等),汽蚀长度与哪些因素有关。最好有参考资料。 可以从空化数 CAVITATION NUMBER 来看:
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The Euler number or cavitation number is a dimensionless number used in flow calculations. It expresses the relationship between a flow';s pressure and kinetic energy, and is used to characterize the potential of the flow to cavitate. It is named for Leonhard Euler.
It is defined as
Ca=(P-Pv)/(1/2*ρ V^2)
ρ is the density of the fluid.
p is the local pressure.
pv is the vapor pressure of the fluid.
V is a characteristic velocity of the flow.
我想你关心的是粘性、饱和蒸汽压谁更重要. 如果进出口压力固定, 粘性会影响内部当地压力和流速, 这二者都会影响空化. 要看具体问题中, 粘性变化对压力和流速影响有多大.
比如在泵里, 饱和蒸汽压一般都比较小, 几百到几千帕, 而不同流体粘性造成内部流动压力变化经常有10^5帕或更高. 这种情况下, 粘性影响就比较大.
本科要学空化吗? 还是你现在工作了?