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湍流理论 今日: 0|主题: 1050|排名: 13 

预览 现在国内外搞湍流的都有哪些牛人牛校? flajewovic 2007-3-26 0 / 2620 flajewovic 2007-3-26 01:51
预览 I found this article to be very interesting. The good news for me violetgorman 2007-3-25 0 / 2054 violetgorman 2007-3-25 21:27
预览 2007年!真正的大统一理论在流体力学中诞生!! netman2007 2007-2-21 4 / 3505 haidaicai 2007-3-25 14:52
预览 [求助]随机相位屏 keepflying 2007-3-21 0 / 3197 keepflying 2007-3-21 14:16
预览 无粘性流体可以维持湍流吗? 网上飞 2007-1-9 9 / 3509 seimd 2007-3-17 22:26
预览 [讨论]有没有在做“预混燃烧的大涡数值模拟”的? amasapphire 2007-3-6 1 / 2829 turbulencest 2007-3-16 01:10
预览 [求助]了解sa紊流模型的进来帮个忙,好吗 attachment shiyongjie 2007-3-8 1 / 2282 liuchen 2007-3-14 13:29
预览 关于SA紊流模型的一点疑问 liuchen 2007-3-14 0 / 2412 liuchen 2007-3-14 10:07
预览 [分享] Orszag S.A. Lectures on the Statistical Theory o attachment naei 2007-1-24 7 / 2690 zhaoweidong 2007-3-13 08:45
预览 Hello, I am Helen!. And even though this my first post here, HelenVBeden 2007-2-4 1 / 2291 haida 2007-2-28 00:57
预览 用什么变量来描述其难度(复杂度), zhangpeiwen 2007-2-18 1 / 2768 haida 2007-2-28 00:51
预览 [求助] 关于剪切湍流 naei 2007-2-7 1 / 2119 naei 2007-2-7 17:59
预览 HEQ是什么? swg12345 2007-2-6 0 / 2354 swg12345 2007-2-6 10:10
预览 求JK(半方程)湍流模型的几篇经典文献 wySulnwang 2007-1-31 0 / 2855 wySulnwang 2007-1-31 10:33
预览 大侠们近来看看,这些东西怎么都看不懂了 attachment zfsen9 2007-1-22 2 / 2621 zfsen9 2007-1-22 18:41
预览 征友读书 网上飞 2007-1-8 2 / 2556 lcw 2007-1-9 10:24
预览 NS方程求解湍流问题的局限性 sunmoon 2007-1-6 1 / 3272 desertsouth 2007-1-7 22:05
预览 turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+05 in 5 cells metoo 2006-12-28 1 / 4117 turbulencest 2007-1-6 13:47
预览 求助 shiyongjie 2006-12-20 0 / 1949 shiyongjie 2006-12-20 16:12
预览 求教问题 haocheng 2006-12-16 1 / 2435 turbulencest 2006-12-20 00:16
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