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在CFD-online论坛上网友引用 Dr. K. Hanjalic (University of Delft)的PPT给人回复怎么确定湍流模型参数时,表达了这样的观点:模型方程可以根据不同的流动情况做相应的简化,然后根据实测或DNS确定简化方程包含的模型系数。具体的说,包括以下四个方面(省略了均匀湍流的情况):
2) rapid distortion
Case:a flow subjected to a sudden contraction, free turbulent flow encountering a solid wall parallel or inclined to the flow direction, or a change in the wall topology, or a boundary layer flow over a stagnant wall encountering transversely moving wall, e.g. turbine rotor.
Result:If a turbulent flow is subjected to a sudden mean-rate of strain, the dissipation can be neglected as compared with the imposed turbulence production term.
Q: 生成项在TKE方程中表示为 tau_ij *Ui,j ,tau_ij=2μ_T* S_ij-2/3 μ_T *Uk,k* delta_ij,从而生成项在二维不可压情况下可以表示为:
μ_T [2(U1,1)^2+(U1,2)^2+(U2,1)^2+2 U1,2*U2,1+2(U2,2)^2 ]
那么在上述几种流动情况下,比如encountering a solid wall时,U1,1相比自由来流变得很大,U2,1也变大,U2,2相比原来有所增长,U1,2近似为0。湍动能生成项是变大了,但耗散项一定不变大吗?对流项、扩散项呢?
3) convection-diffusion equilibrium (pure transport)
Case:At the free edge of a turbulent flow.
Result:Both production and dissipation can be neglected as compared with the convection and diffusion which are roughly in balance.
Q: 耗散的定义为:此处生成和耗散被忽略,留下对流和扩散近似平衡,等于是同时忽略了两项。这里,我没了办法像上一种情况一样,根据现象直观的评估方程中的某项的变化,求指导。
4) local turbulence energy equilibrium
Case:In the inner zone (logarithmic region) of a wall boundary layer at zero or weak pressure gradients.
Result:The local energy equilibrium prevails in this zone,both the convective and diffusive transport are here small in comparison with the production and dissipation which balance each other locally. This energy balance has a number of additional implications: the shear stress can be regarded as approximately constants, mean velocity obeys the semi-logarithmic law and the characteristic turbulence length scale increases linearly with the wall distance.
5) diffusion-dissipation equilibrium:
Case:In the central zone of a fully developed pipe or channel flow.
Result:The production can be neglected (weak or no mean rate of strain) and convection is zero by definition. Locally dissipated turbulence is supplied by diffusion from other regions in the flow.
Q: 类似情况3),没法建立物理背景与方程的直观联系,求指导。 |