发表于 2005-3-6 22:22:05
[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/03/08 09:16pm 第 1 次编辑]
姜锐博士现在已经在Dirk Helbing处做访问学者一年,他最新的一篇和Helbing合作的文章-《Inefficient emergent oscillations in intersecting driven many-particle flows,Rui Jiang, Dirk Helbing, Pradyumn Kumar Shukla,Qing-Song Wu,cond-mat:0501595》就是对上面提到的Oscillatory(振荡)拥挤交通模式在行人流与车辆流交互作用的的应用新模型,由于我还没有阅读此篇文献,可能有理解错误的地方,还请见谅!
十分幸运的是,THE SECOND SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS(第二届上海非线性科学与应用国际会议)见帖子《[消息速递]——第二届上海非线性科学与应用国际会议通知!》(说是可能请到了Dirk Helbing来此次国际会议上做特邀报告,不过这条消息还不是非常的确定,需要证实。
附件就是文章-《Inefficient emergent oscillations in intersecting driven many-particle flows,Rui Jiang, Dirk Helbing, Pradyumn Kumar Shukla,Qing-Song Wu,cond-mat:0501595》摘要见下:
Oscillatory flow patterns have been observed in many different driven many-particle systems. The conventional assumption is that the reason for emergent oscillations in opposing flows is an increased efficiency (throughput). In this contribution, however, we will study intersecting pedestrian and vehicle flows as an example for inefficient emergent oscillations. In the coupled vehicle-pedestrian delay problem, oscillating pedestrian and vehicle flows form when pedestrians cross the street with
a small time gap to approaching cars, while both pedestrians and vehicles benefit, when they keep some overcritical time gap. That is, when the safety time gap of pedestrians is increased, the average delay time of pedestrians decreases and the vehicle flow goes up. This may be interpreted as a sloweris-faster effect. The underlying mechanism of this effect is explained in detail. |