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发表于 2005-3-3 20:48:20
[导读] Traffic Flow Theory Glossary
对于现在英文traffic, transportation等交通运输的词汇的理解大家可能未能完全吃透,在 Berkeley 的经典教材《Fundamentals of Taffic Engineering》(13th edition)中定义了“Transporation Engineering”,“Traffic Engineering”以及“Travel and Traffic”,希望这些英文原意能够帮助大家更好的理解!
1. Transportation Engineering.
"The application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transporation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, confortable, convenient, exonomical and environmentally conpatible movement of people and goods."
2. Taffic Engineering
"That phase of transportation engineering which deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of transportation."
"Traffic engineering is the science of measuring traffic and travel, the study of basic laws relating to traffic flow and generation, and the application of knowledge to the professional practice of planning, designing and operating traffic systems to achieve safe and efficient movement of persons and goods."
3. Tavel and Taffic
Travel refers to the demand for transportation of persons and goods between various origins and destinations; traffic refers to the acutal movement of vehicles (motorized and nonmotorized) or pedestrians on a facility. However, this distinction does not apply when "travel" is used as part of such phrases as "travel time" or "travel speed".