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Prof. Yi-Chang Chiu, recently joined the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (CEEM) at the University of Arizona, welcomes both master and doctoral program applications for fall 2007.
Dr. Chiu is the leading expert in the research of traffic flow simulation modeling, dynamic traffic assignment, mass evacuation and high performance computing. Dr. Chiu';s research program has recently received state and federal grants in the above areas and exciting research opportunities and research assistance positions are available for admitted graduate students. The benefit of the research assistantship is competitive.
The transportation program at the University at Arizona is distributed in both CEEM and SIE (system and industrial engineering) departments. There are more than five transportation system faculty members with the expertise in dynamic traffic assignment, simulation, traffic flow theories, network and transit modeling, signal operations, traffic engineering and intelligent vehicle operations. All transportation faculty members at UA collaborate in various cutting-edge projects. Comprehensive transportation curriculum is offered to transportation graduate students every semester.
The CEEM department will soon start reviewing fall 2007 applications and RA positions will be offered to qualified applicants. RA positions will be closed once filled. Interested applicants please submit applications following the official UA application process. For questions regarding research, please contact Dr. Chiu at chiu@email.arizona.edu. For more information about Dr. Chiu';s research or CEEM department, please visit http://civil.web.arizona.edu/cms/.
Preferred qualification: MS (preferred) or BS degree in civil or related engineering disciplines; demonstrated academic capability and accomplishment; mature, self-disciplined and motivated, and satisfactory communication skills in English.