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TAMU Transportation PhD student Opening

发表于 2008-3-27 00:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[这个贴子最后由thickicesong在 2008/03/26 01:50pm 第 1 次编辑]

招生启事: 2008年秋需博士生一到二名,Texas AM University 的土木工程系交通工程专业。 攻读方向为交通物流。也可能涉猎交通网络,交通控制以及交通流理论。申请可来自数学以及各工程专业,例如电子工程,土木工程等。 希望有数学基础以及建模能力 (例如随机过程、线性规划、概率论、动态规划等), 有熟练的计算机技能 (编程、应用软件)。注重独立思考和团队合作能力,不要求有交通背景,但要求有兴趣于交通研究。有志于追求学术道路的优先。GRE 要求verbal 不低于550. TOEFL 不低于 600 分。请先递交一份简历, 包括联系信息。申请从速。联系人: Dr. Wang.  Email: xbwang@gmail.com.
One to two PhD candidates are needed starting from the Fall 2008 in transportation engineering in the Civil Engineering Department at the Texas AM University. Potential research direction will be in transportation logistics, also likely in areas such as traffic control, network operations and traffic flow theories. Applicants are welcome from various majors such as applied math, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and computer engineering. The applicants are expected to have a strong interest in pursuing academic research in transportation. It is not necessary to have background in transportation courses or projects.  Requirements: (1) GRE (550 or above is preferred) and TOEFL (600 or more is preferred) (2) Good course training in applied math such as stochastic processes, linear programming, probability modeling, and dynamic programming. (3) Good computer skills such as coding and use of software such as Matlab. (4) Master’s degree. Applicants capable of independent thinking and teamwork are especially encouraged to apply. Window for application is short. First send a copy of brief resume with contact information to Dr. Wang at xbwang@gmail.com.
CEE at TAMU is among the top 10 in the States now according to the 2008 USNEWS. And the department is the largest CEE as well. Dr. Wang';s personal web can be accessed at
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