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[分享]Microdrop Generation (无内容)

发表于 2007-5-22 09:11:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[br][br][以下内容由 lxz104 在 2007年05月22日 09:13am 时添加] [br]
The use of fluid microdrops in engineering and experimental science goes back
over a century to the study and use of spray generated aerosols, and the use of
aerosol produced microdrops to confirm the predictions of fluid mechanics, atomic
theory and chemistry. The ability to generate fluid microdrops with a predetermined
size, on demand, with precisely controlled trajectories is a more recent invention
dating back only a few decades. Its primary commercial and industrial use today is
in the field of inkjet image printing.
Recently more exciting uses for precisely controlled inkjet generated microdrops
have appeared. Due to the increased sensitivity of detectors, the need for large scale
combinatorial chemistry assays using very high cost chemicals, and the need for
microdispensing of small subnanoliter volumes of fluids for the making of hybrid
sensors, flat screen displays, and biochips, there has been an increased interest by
both industry and basic research facilities in the use of inkjet microdrops for the
precision dispensing of scientific reagents for manufacturing and applied research.
In addition the physical science community has increasingly been using microdrops
for creating isolated microenvironments for the study of fundamental physical,
optical and chemical phenomenon.
In 1992 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the research team of which I
was a member had to develop devices for producing controllable streams of fluid
microdrops in order to perform a search for isolated stable fractionally charged matter.
In order to obtain the mass throughput and level of charge measurement accuracy
we desired, the drops had to be less than 10 microns in diameter, uniform in size
and produced reliably on demand over a year long continuously running experiment.
The drops we needed were smaller than those produced by state of the art inkjet
printers. Subsequent experiments required that we produce arrays of falling drops
and drops composed of a suspension of solid meteoric material. At the time there
was nothing commercially available that could generate the microdrops we required.
We ultimately did successfully develop designs for drop generators and methods of
formulating our own ejection compatible fluids. After we started presenting the results
of our microdrop based experiments we were contacted by numerous other research
groups and companies that wished to use precision generated microdrops for their
projects. We discovered that in addition to its use in printing, microdrop technology
was being used or proposed for use in areas as diverse as optics, drug discovery,
analytical chemistry, biotechnology, and electronics manufacture.
One problem with this field as it currently exists for researchers who are not
part of a large organization that has considerable internal microdrop technology
expertise is the lack of easily accessible literature to guide one’s initial design,
prototyping and use of practical microdrop systems. The published information
available for those who need to construct and operate microdrop generators is
scattered throughout dozens of different journals with few if any of these papers
being usable as a practical how-to guide for a person new to the field. The motivation
for compiling this book occurred when we started to write short sets of operating
instructions for the microdrop generators that we would periodically lend to othe
users. We realized that what was needed was a practical hands-on manual on the
construction and use of microdrops in experimental science and manufacturing
oriented towards end users who have no prior experience in generating microdrops
or designing jettable fluids.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-22 09:29:23 | 显示全部楼层

[分享]Microdrop Generation (无内容)

this is part 1/3
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-22 10:25:21 | 显示全部楼层

[分享]Microdrop Generation (无内容)

this is part 1/3
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 09:14:03 | 显示全部楼层

[分享]Microdrop Generation (无内容)

发表于 2009-4-6 00:14:20 | 显示全部楼层


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