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《Turbulence Modeling for CFD》( David C. Wilcox's boook) 的源程序

发表于 2011-4-1 21:48:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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R E L E A S E   N O T E S   F O R   C O M P A N I O N   S O F T W A R E

              "Turbulence Modeling for CFD - Second Edition"  

                           by David C. Wilcox

       Copyright (c) 1998 DCW Industries, Inc., All rights reserved

1. Check our WWW Home Page, http://www.dcwindustries.com, for the latest
   information and for upgraded versions of this software.

2. Executable programs for all of the programs documented in Appendix C
   and Appendix D are included in directory \DCWINC.  These programs will
   run on IBM PC and compatible computers.  See Appendix E to select your
   system's monitor and printer for the plotting programs (PLOTD, PLOTEB,
   PLOTD, PLOTP and PLOTS).  The subdirectories contain the following:

   \DCWINC\APPENDC   Source code for the programs described in Appendix C
   \DCWINC\DATA      Input data files for all Appendix C and D programs
   \DCWINC\EDDYBL    Source code for Program EDDYBL
   \DCWINC\SETEBL    Source code for Programs SETEBL and INSTL

3. Subdirectory \DCWINC\DATA has 16 additional subdirectories that are not
   documented in the text.  These additional subdirectories contain input
   data for Program EDDYBL corresponding to the 16 incompressible boundary
   layers of Figures 3.16, 3.18, 4.2, 4.24 and 6.17.  The names of the 16
   subdirectories are as follows.

   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW0141   Flow 0141 - Strong adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW1100   Flow 1100 - Mild adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW1200   Flow 1200 - Strong adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW1300   Flow 1300 - Favorable pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW1400   Flow 1400 - Zero pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW2100   Flow 2100 - Mild adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW2400   Flow 2400 - Moderate adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW2500   Flow 2500 - Mild adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW2600   Flow 2600 - Moderate adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW2700   Flow 2700 - Favorable pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW3300   Flow 3300 - Moderate adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW4400   Flow 4400 - Strong adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW4500   Flow 4500 - Moderate adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW4800   Flow 4800 - Mild adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW5300   Flow 5300 - Strong adverse pressure gradient
   \DCWINC\DATA\FLOW6300   Flow 6300 - Favorable pressure gradient

4. If you are installing SETEBL on an IBM/PC based microcomputer running
   under Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows 98, you must add the ANSI.SYS
   driver to your CONFIG.SYS file, i.e.,


   This driver will take effect when you re-boot your computer.

   If your operating system is Windows NT or Windows 2000, you must edit the
   file CONFIG.NT (located in either \WINNT\SYSTEM32 or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32)
   by adding the line at the end


   CONFIG.NT is a text file that can be edited with any text-based editor
   such as NotePad.  This driver will take effect immediately---no re-boot
   is necessary.

   If your operating system is Windows ME (Millennium Edition), there is no
   way to activate ansi.sys, and you cannot use this software package.

5. You must rename all .FOR source code to .F for Cray, SUN and Silicon
   Graphics Fortran.  Also, the "." must be included in the name of the
   file CPUID., CHARS., COMEB1., COMEB2. and COMMON. for these (and any
   Unix-based) compilers.

6. By default, the source code supplied sets ICPU=1 for Microsoft Fortran.
   This parameter is located in the file named CPUID.  Change its value to
   the value appropriate for your computer according to the following.

            ICPU=0...SVS Fortran (680x0, 80x86)
            ICPU=1...Lahey Fortran/Microsoft Fortran (80x86)
            ICPU=3...SUN Fortran (68020, SPARC)
            ICPU=4...Cray (UNICOS)
            ICPU=5...Silicon Graphics Iris

7. All source code will compile under the following Fortran compilers and
   operating systems.

            Cray Fortran (UNICOS)
            VAX Fortran (VMS)
            Silicon Graphics Iris (UNIX)
            SUN Fortran (SUN-OS/Sunview)
            SUN Fortran (MS-DOS/SP-1)
            Lahey Fortran-LF90 (MS-DOS/Phar Lap)
            Lahey Fortran-F77L-EM/32 (MS-DOS/Phar Lap)
            Lahey Fortran-F77L (MS-DOS)
            Microsoft PowerStation (MS-DOS/Windows 3.1/Windows-95)
            Microsoft Version 5.0 (MS-DOS)
            SVS Fortran-020 (MS-DOS/DSI-020)
            SVS Fortran-386 (MS-DOS/Phar Lap)
            SVS Fortran-386 (MS-DOS/C3)

   See Text Section D.9 for details on converting to other compilers, and
   Section D.10 for sample compile and link commands. Use the Cray compile
   and link commands for the Silicon graphics Iris, and other Unix-based

《Turbulence Modeling for CFD-code.rar

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