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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 High order shock-capturing TENO (targeted ENO) schemes 新人帖 attach_img  ...23 linf1017 2018-4-13 40 / 91127 coolboy 2022-3-29 02:16
预览 【免费下载】第三版.Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics.Toro attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..95 水寿松 2010-6-5 1411 / 154871 zhoushan 2023-11-24 16:48
预览 2010年中科院力学所《计算流体力学》课程(含课件和录像,共15讲) attachment recommend agree  ...23456..23 lixl-imech 2010-3-22 341 / 122689 七喜小子 2019-2-26 16:57
预览 发布OpenCFD-EC2D; 更新 Ver 1.5.4 ; 三维软件使用协议 attachment recommend agree  ...23456..24 lixl-imech 2011-1-10 349 / 120742 tqr 2022-5-20 10:49
预览 2013暑期在复旦大学开设《计算流体力学》课程; 今年春季继续开设《计算流体力学》; attachment recommend agree  ...23456..9 lixl-imech 2011-3-2 133 / 66789 zpflier 2018-10-21 09:50
预览 上传电子书-Numerical Computation Of Internal And External Flows by hirsch attachment  ...23 xlllgn 2010-10-26 38 / 11474 guo007jj 2016-5-19 12:05
预览 CFD数值模拟过程 attachment agree  ...23456 hysheng3306 2009-4-5 86 / 25237 md1349392080 2015-12-6 10:06
预览 Numerical Methods in Aerodynamics attachment  ...234 上善若水 2009-5-25 52 / 13886 md1349392080 2016-5-11 09:07
预览 【经典】P.D.Lax 的双曲守恒律专著电子版,1973 attachment  ...2 水寿松 2010-4-1 18 / 8847 td987 2012-4-16 18:42
预览 Basics of Fluid Mechanics 2010 attachment agree huaijuliu 2010-8-25 12 / 5111 ch06 2011-5-22 14:29
预览 分享 Computational Gasdynamics. attachment agree physiczhang 2011-4-15 10 / 5181 zhanglonglin 2012-6-13 21:44
预览 分享 边界层理论 下册 attachment agree physiczhang 2011-4-16 0 / 3467 physiczhang 2011-4-16 08:15
预览 转一篇CFD综述文章 attachment agree  ...2 老白杨 2012-3-30 27 / 7560 dengyu 2013-3-11 14:10
预览 上传我写的DG源码 attachment agree  ...23 zqb138 2012-6-13 36 / 6580 lingjie111111 2012-7-28 22:28
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