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【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

发表于 2004-11-28 21:24:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2007/12/01 01:27am 第 2 次编辑]

The TRansportation ANalysis SIMulation System ( TRANSIMS ) is a set of  transportation and air quality analysis and forecasting procedures developed to meet the Clean Air Act, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, and other regulations.  It consists of mutually supporting simulations, models, and databases that employ advanced computational and analytical techniques to create an integrated regional transportation system analysis environment.  By applying advanced technologies and methods, it simulates the dynamic details that contribute to the complexity inherent in today';s and tomorrow';s transportation issues.  The integrated results from the detailed simulations will support transportation planners, engineers, decision makers, and others who must address environmental pollution, energy consumption, traffic congestion, land use planning, traffic safety, intelligent vehicle efficiencies, and the transportation infrastructure effect on the quality of life, productivity, and economy.
Home Page:http://transims.tsasa.lanl.gov/
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-28 21:33:05 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2004/11/28 09:37pm 第 2 次编辑]

What';s New?
TRANSIMS License Agreements: [posted  03 December 2002]
    IBM Business Consulting Services is releasing the latest version of TRANSIMS to both noncommercial and commercial users. The update includes the TRANSIMS-DOT Modeling Interface, the TRANSIMS-DOT Network Editor, the TRANSIMS-DOT Visualizer, and improvements to the TRANSIMS-LANL, Version 3 modules. IBM Business Consulting Services is preparing to assist the transportation planning and research communities in transitioning to this new technology.
    For more information on how to receive TRANSIMS-DOT, please contact
         Naveen Lamba
         IBM Business Consulting Services
         Phone: 703-322-5656
TRANSIMS Ver. 3.0 [01 March 2002]
TRANSIMS Ver. 3.0 has been posted:http://transims.tsasa.lanl.gov/TRANSIMS_3-0_docs.html
Portland Study Reports [posted  15 October 2001]
The Portland Study Reports have been posted:http://transims.tsasa.lanl.gov/PortlandStudyReports.html
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-28 21:36:09 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2004/11/28 09:37pm 第 1 次编辑]

The Transportation Analysis and Simulation System, or TRANSIMS, is an integrated system of travel forecasting models designed to give transportation planners accurate, complete information on traffic impacts, congestion, and pollution.  Los Alamos National Laboratory is leading this effort to develop new transportation and air quality forecasting procedures required by the Clean Air Act, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, and other regulations.  It is part of the Travel Model Improvement Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Energy.
TRANSIMS models create a virtual metropolitan region with a complete representation of the region';s individuals, their activities, and the transportation infrastructure.  Trips are planned to satisfy the individuals'; activity patterns.  TRANSIMS then simulates the movement of individuals across the transportation network, including their use of vehicles such as cars or buses, on a second-by-second basis.  This virtual world of travelers mimics the traveling and driving behavior of real people in the region.  The interactions of individual vehicles produce realistic traffic dynamics from which analysts using TRANSIMS can estimate vehicle emissions and judge the overall performance of the transportation system.
Previous transportation planning surveyed people about elements of their trips such as origins, destinations, routes, timing, and forms of transportation used, or modes.  TRANSIMS starts with data about people';s activities and the trips they take to carry out those activities, then builds a model of household and activity demand.  The model forecasts how changes in transportation policy or infrastructure might affect those activities and trips.  TRANSIMS tries to capture every important interaction between travel subsystems, such as an individual';s activity plans and congestion on the transportation system.  For instance, when a trip takes too long, people find other routes, change from car to bus or vice versa, leave at different times, or decide not to do a given activity at a given location.
Also, because TRANSIMS tracks individual travelers ? locations, routes, modes taken, and how well their travel plans are executed ? it can evaluate transportation alternatives and reliability to determine who might benefit and who might be adversely affected by transportation changes.
Los Alamos has done major studies of Albuquerque and Dallas transportation and completed a microsimulation of auto traffic patterns in 25 square miles of Dallas that represented about 200,000 vehicles over a five-hour period.  A TRANSIMS model of Portland transportation is under development and scheduled for completion in 2000.  The Portland study focuses on forecasting activity demand and predicting trips that use multiple modes of transportation.  The goal of TRANSIMS is to develop technologies that can be used by transportation planners in any urban environment.

Prepared by the Los Alamos National Laboratory Public Information Office, February 1998
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-28 22:04:50 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/03/13 00:02am 第 1 次编辑]

  由于人们交通理念的转变,开发与运用出行控制措施(Travel Control Measures,TCM)已经得到交通运输规划部门的认同。这些措施其本身是极其复杂和综合性的,并且其影响到目前为止还不得而知。随着开始考虑采用TCM措施的美国城市区域数量的不断扩大,在最早基于出行的4阶段程序(Trip-based four-step procedure)基础上发展起来的传统交通需求预测及规划方法已经暴露出明显不足,无法解决通过实行TCM措施而引发的更为复杂的问题。人们出行行为模式与决定这些模式的态度、价值观念以及客观条件的局限等,这些关系在本质上都是极其复杂的。传统的预测方法不能在令人信服的理论框架下清楚地解释这些关系。
  因而产生了一种基于行为的新的方法(activity-based approach),有可能针对当前的交通规划提供有效而实际的工具。它首先形成于20世纪70年代对人们出行行为的研究领域。基于行为的方法清楚地认识到人们对出行的需求源于对行为活动的需求,而这些行为在时间与空间上又是分散分布的。更进一步,这些方法还确定出某个人做出的一系列出行决定之间,内部又是相互关联的。认为基于出行的预测方法能够提供一个在理论与概念上都更令人信服的框架,并可在此框架下进行出行需求的模型建立,这一观点至今还存在着争论。

  TRANSIMS 是多线路出行模型改进计划的一部分,是由美国交通与环境保护部门发起资助的。位于洛斯阿拉莫斯市的美国国家实验室主持这项开发工作。
  TRANSIMS 潜在的宗旨是研究人们的行为及其内在的相互作用,并由于受到交通系统的限制而产生的交通行为的实施。TRANSIMS 采用了先进的计算和分析技术,创建了一个完整的区域交通系统分析环境。这种模拟环境将包括由单独出行者所形成的区域人口,同时也包括有出行行为和计划的货物运输。

An Overview of A New Modeling System for Urban Demand Forecasting in the United States
Xiaoduan Sun, Ph.D., & P.E.
Associate Professor
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Technical Consultant
Beijing Zheng Da Traffic Engineering LTD.
Over the past couple of years, the emphasis of transportation planning has shifted from the construction of new highways to the effective management of travel demand and efficient use of existing highway facilities in the United States. This shift has been brought about by rising social, environmental, and economic concerns coupled with a realization that building one';s way out of congestion is only a temporary solution to serving the increasing demand.
Due to the change of the philosophy, development and implementation of Travel Control Measures (TCM) have been embraced by the transportation planning community. These measures are sophisticated and complex in nature, the existing impacts of which are unknown. As increasing number of urban areas in the United States began considering TCMs, it is become apparent that traditional travel demand forecasting and planning methods, that are primarily derived from trip-based four-step procedures, are not able to address the complex questions raised by TCM implementation. Relationships among human travel behavior patterns and the attitudes, values and constraints that are determine these patterns are extremely complex in nature, and traditional forecasting methods do not explicitly model these relationships in a theoretically sound framework.
A new approach, which has potential of offering effective and practical tool for contemporary transportation planning, is the activity-based approach. It was first conceived in the travel behavior research arena in 1970s. Activity-based approach explicitly recognizes that travel demand is derived from the need to pursue activities that are dispersed in time and space. Moreover, these approaches also recognize the inter-dependence among decisions for a series of trips made by an individual. It has been argued that activity-based approach provides a theoretically and conceptually stronger framework within which travel demand modeling may be performed.
Critical review of the Trip-Based Four-Step Procedure
Practically all tools currently available in the U.S. for passenger travel demand forecasting and policy analysis are based on the four-step procedure. The procedure was developed in the 1950s and 1960s during the post-war expansion, when:
1、Urban population was rapidly growing,
2、Motorization was progressing, and Suburban sprawling was starting.

The emphasis in transportation planning at that time was infrastructure development. The issue at hand was where to build a new freeway and how many lanes were needed. Because of such straightforward planning contexts, coarse forecasting procedures sufficed at that time.
The procedure, however, contains several well-acknowledged internal inconsistencies. For example, the area-wide totals of zonal trip productions and attractions normally do not coincide with each other, requiring some adjustment; zone-to-zone travel time used as input to trip distribution and modal split are not necessarily consistent with travel times that are derived from the network assignment.
More importantly, lack of behavior foundation is one of the biggest problems with the four-step procedure. For example, in a typical linear-regression or cross-classification models of trip generation, number of household daily trips is only a function of household size and number of vehicles. This does not reflect the well-known behavioral fact that life-style (age, existence of children) and employment status affect households travel patterns.
Other limitations of the four-step procedure can be summarized in the following:
1、Trip-based, sequential structure,
2、Lack of the time-of-day dimension,
3、Limited size of explanatory variables
4、Limited behavior response,
5、Consequently unresponsive to most Travel Demand Management
6、Trip generation unresponsive to congestion and pricing,
7、Consequently the trip distribution is not fully responsive to system change,
8、In ability to address vehicle fleet mix evolution, and
9、Totally exogenous land-use, economic and socio-demographic input.
It is known that no single model is suited for all study objectives. The trip-based, four-step procedure continues to be an effective tool for certain type of transportation planning problems. Yet, current practice calls for alternative models. The array of transportation planning tools available to policy makers needs to be expanded.
Why Activity-Based Approach?
The activity-based approach explicitly recognizes the fact that the demand for activities produces the demand for travel. In other words the need or desire to engage in an activity at a different location generates a trip. The activity-based approach thus aims at the prediction of travel demand based on a though understanding of the decision process underlying travel behavior. In this sense the activity-based approach is entirely different from the approach for the development of four-step procedure where statisrtical association, rather than behavior relationships, drove model development. The activity-based approach also recognize that as the activities engaged in a day are linked to each other, trips made to pursue them are also linked to each other. Household daily trips can not be analyzed separately.
Although the activity-based approach was conceived in 1970s by a group of researchers at Oxford University, it largely remained in the academic research partly because of that the activity-based approach is not suited for the evaluation of capital-intensive large-scale projects, but better suited for refined, often small scale transportation policy measures.
Aside from this rather drastic change in transportation planning contexts, several important advances have taken place:
1、Accumulation of activity-based research results,
2、Advances in survey methods and statistical estimation methods, and
3、Advances in computation capabilities and supporting software (database, GIS, etc.)
All these changes have made the development of the activity-based models possible. Due to the complexity of the analysis, the modeling techniques have to be simulation. That is why an activity-based micro-simulation model has been developed in the United States to accommodate the need for a new demand for an urban travel forecasting model that is sensitive for policy analysis.
TRANSIMS: Transportation Analysis and Simulation Systems
The TRANSIMS is part of the multi-track Travel Model Improvement Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency. Los Alamos National Laboratory is leading its development.
The underlying TRANSIMS theme is that individual behavior and their interactions, as constrained by the transportation system, generate the transportation performance. TRANSIMS employ advanced computational and analytical techniques to create an integrated regional transportation systems analysis environment. The simulation environment will include a regional population of individual travelers and freight loads with travel activities and plans.
For more information on Travel Model Improvement Program, please email iday@tamu.edu

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 00:13:07 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

由于近期论坛上对于交通流仿真系统平台的讨论帖《[辣眼深评]-我国自主研发的交通系统仿真平台的全面深入讨论:DynaCASTIM VS TESS!》(很热烈,但这两种系统都没有考虑元胞自动机交通流模型,TRANSIMS是由美国交通与环境保护部门发起资助的,由位于洛斯阿拉莫斯市的美国国家实验室主持开发的最早的基于元胞自动机模型的模拟软件。
发表于 2005-3-16 11:22:29 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 20:25:29 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

此附件是 TRANSIMS Travelogue, November 1999,LA-UR-99-5794
TRANSIMS Travelogue, November 1999,LA-UR-99-5794此文档包含以下内容简介:
TRANSIMS Travelogue, November 1999,LA-UR-99-5794此文档是目前最新的关于TRANSIMS的简介,当前没有看到更新文件了!
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 20:29:18 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/03/16 09:52pm 第 3 次编辑]


9楼附件——>Volume 1: Project Description (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
10和11楼附件——>Volume 2: Networks and Vehicles (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]

             Volume 3: Modules
12楼附件——>Chapter 1: Framework (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
             Chapter 2: Population Synthesizer (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
13楼附件——>Chapter 3: Activity Generator (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
14楼附件——>Chapter 4: Route Planner (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
15楼附件——>Chapter 5: Traffic Microsimulator (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
16楼附件——>Chapter 6: Selectors (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
18楼附件——>Chapter 7: Emissions Estimator (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
17楼附件——>Chapter 8: Output Visualizer (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
19楼附件——>Chapter 9: Configuration Keys (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
20楼附件——>Chapter 10: Error Codes (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
             Chapter 11: Terms and Acronyms (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]

21楼附件——>Volume 4: Calibrations, Scenarios, and Tutorials (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]

22楼附件——>Volume 5: Software: Interface Functions and Data Structures (.pdf)—— [31 August 2004]

23楼附件——>Volume 6: Installation (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
             Volume 7: Methods in TRANSIMS
             Cover (.pdf)
             Chapter 1: Generalized Mode Choice (.pdf)——[31 August 2004]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 20:48:52 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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Ver_3-1_Vol1-Project Description
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:05:39 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/03/16 09:55pm 第 1 次编辑]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:08:54 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:11:31 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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Ver_3-1_Vol3-Ch1-Framework & Ver_3-1_Vol3-Ch2-PopSynth
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:17:49 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:20:45 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-16 21:23:04 | 显示全部楼层

【免费下载】TRANSIMS V3.0 的源码和技术说明文档!

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