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发表于 2005-10-5 20:54:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Asakura and Kashiwadani于1991年提出了运行时间可靠度的概念。运行时间的可靠度是路网可靠性的另一种测度方法。运行时间的可靠度可定义为:在规定的时间内,车辆能从起点O到达讫点D的概率。在通常的流量变化的情况下,这种方法对于路网运行状况的评价很有效。Asakura于1996年提出在研究运行时间的可靠性时应考虑由于道路条件的恶化而导致的容量的下降。他认为运行时间的可靠性是阻塞状态运行时间与畅通状态运行时间之比的函数。当它们的比值接近于1时,说明路网的流量接近于其通行能力;当这个值趋于无穷大时,说明某段路发生严重的堵塞而不能到达目的地。这一特殊情况与连通可靠度是一致的。
路网容量可靠性的概念是美国犹他州州立大学Anthony Chen等提出的。其含义是:在一定服务水平下,路网容量能满足交通需求的概率。它既考虑了路网容量限制问题,又考虑了出行者的路线选择行为,弥补了连通可靠度的一些缺陷。容量可靠度能用来评价交通条件恶化情况下,路网容量满足一定需求水平的概率,可用于说明现在的路网对于预期的需求是否足够。但是容量可靠度的计算是基于系统模拟基础上的,主要是从路网角度进行宏观评价。体现不出道路单元的可靠度与系统可靠度的显性关系,其次反映路网潜在能力的路网容量存储系数依赖于路段的通行能力,而实际通行能力由于众多影响因素的存在是不断变化的,因此需要大量的实测数据来估计其分布曲线,而实际通行能力的实测数据很难得到。此外,在容量可靠性计算中司机的路线选择行为是建立在司机对路况条件全面了解的假定上的。这种假定对于规律性的交通拥挤(如,高峰期间、瓶颈路段)也许是合适的,但对于偶发性的交通事件(如,交通事故、车辆抛锚等)需要用随机模型来分析司机的路线选择行为。

[ 本帖最后由 水寿松 于 2009-4-28 02:12 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-5 20:58:46 | 显示全部楼层


The Network Reliability of Transport(Michael G H Bell, Yasunori Iida )--就是1st International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR)(会议是2001举办,书2003年出版)
Reliability of Transport Networks,(eds. M. Bell & C. Cassir), Research Studies Press Ltd
Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol. 33, No. 2,1999的8篇文章。
[13]郭寒英, 石红国,突发事件下路网运行时间可靠性研究[J],公路交通科技,2005年8月第8期,102-105
[18]陈艳艳,梁 颖,杜华兵,可靠度在路网运营状态评价中的应用[J],土木工程学报,2003年1月第1期,36-40
发表于 2005-10-5 21:38:30 | 显示全部楼层


不错 不错
顶一下 哈
发表于 2005-11-29 09:12:45 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-11-29 17:55:56 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-29 23:43:48 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-11-30 22:00:42 | 显示全部楼层


目前研究较多的是容量可靠性,在这方面可见Anthony Chen的论文,香港科技大学杨海教授也做了很好的研究工作,主要包括路网的保留容量(Reserve Capacity),路网的最大容量(Ultimate Capacity),路网的实际容量(Practical Capacity)等等。
发表于 2005-11-30 22:08:24 | 显示全部楼层


LBSALE[100]LBSALE[这个贴子最后由wxiong在 2005/11/30 10:37pm 第 4 次编辑]

[free]Author:Anthony Chen,Hai Yang,Hong K.Lo,Wilson H.Tang
Title:Capacity reliability of a road network:an assessment methodology and numerical results
发表于 2005-12-1 15:29:36 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-1 18:05:58 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由东东在 2005/12/01 06:10pm 第 1 次编辑]
下面引用由hxwfirst2005/12/01 03:29pm 发表的内容:
发表于 2005-12-1 20:16:57 | 显示全部楼层


Shoregh的信息很全面, 目前国际上的研究也就这个状况了. 这个领域哈有许多东西值得研究, 可以将电力网络和通信网络的可靠性研究成果借过来.
提供一个信息: 英国的 Mike Bell等人, 日本的Iida等人, 和香港的William Lam等人有个跨国际的小组, 他们定期开会(INSTR), 交流交通网络可靠性方面的研究. 见下面. 其中提到下一次ISTTT在伦敦召开, 2007年. 大家积极准备论文, 明年一月是详细摘要的截止期.
Minutes of INSTR Scientific Committee meeting on Sunday 22nd September 2004, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Christchurch, NZ.

Welcome by MGH Bell. Thanks to Alan Nicholson and Andre Dantas for organising 2nd INSTR and the preconference trip to Queenstown. The trip was enjoyed by all participants.

2.Venue for 3rd INSTR
The Scientific Committee received two offers for holding the 3rd INSTR in 2007. The first offer came from David Watling to hold the conference in Leeds or the Lake District, the second from Henk van Zuylen to hold the conference in Delft.
Agachai Sumalee presented the Leeds offer: To hold the conference in Leeds would have the advantage of having both ISTTT and INSTR in England in July 2007. The offer has the full support of the university.  There are good transport connections to Leeds from London.  It is suggested to hold the conference in the Lake District. The Lake District is two hours from Leeds and six hours from London by bus.
Henk van Zuylen reported on the Delft offer: Delft is less than 1 hour by flight from London, therefore it is also suggested to hold the 3rd INSTR just before or after ISTTT. He emphasized that Delft as a nice venue for a conference. Further, holding the conference in Delft would fit with a new research programme launched by the Dutch government and Delft University on transport reliability called “From A to Better”. He also noted a possible disadvantage: Currently the Schengen visa does not cover the UK so that non-EU participants for both conferences would have to apply for two Visas. As a possible preconference trip sailing in the canals around Delft was suggested.
The Committee requested clarification on whether these two offers would also be valid for 2010. Henk van Zuylen replied that this is not the case because of his retirement. Agachai Sumalee did not want to comment on this in the absence of David Watling. If the offer of David Watling would be accepted the committee further thought Leeds would be more suitable as a venue with a preconference trip to the Lake District.
In the absence of Henk van Zuylen and Agachai Sumalee the Committee voted with a majority of 4:3 for Delft with Mike Bell not voting.

3.Constitution for INSTR
Mike Bell asked if there is a need for a written INSTR constitution. Mike Taylor noted that ISTTT does not have a written constitution but that the minutes and long-standing history of ISTTT implicitly form a constitution. The committee asks Mike Taylor to write down what he understands the ISTTT constitution to be.
Following issues should be addressed in the constitution:
•How is a convener chosen? (INSTR has no address)
•How are papers selected (for conference and publication)?
•How are publications handled?
Henk van Zuylen is asked to comply with the forthcoming INSTR constitution as far as possible.

Alan Nicholson reported on two options:
•Special Issue in Transportation A which would mean to select 8-10 papers. Answer from Frank Haight awaited.
&#8226ublish a book as done before. This would allow publishing a greater number of papers. Positive answer on this possibility from Chris Pringle expected.
The committee expressed a clear preference to publish a book and continue the (so far short) INSTR history. Mike Bell and Alan Nicholson will discuss conditions for a book every three years with Chris Pringle. The committee discussed following main advantages of book versus journal: Speed of publication, more papers can be selected, book proven to be successful. The committee is aware of the possible counterargument that for academic records and CVs a publication in a peer-reviewed journal might count more in some countries.
Internet publication was further discussed as a possible third option but not thought to be feasible because of missing exposure to a wider audience.
However, the committee suggested that the conference proceedings (6 page summary papers) could be published on the internet immediately.

5.Review procedure
Current reviewing procedure is not very rigid. All papers except three not relevant to the conference topic were accepted for this symposium. Majority of committee expressed a preference for higher standards, and ISTTT or TRB are thought to be good examples. It was noted that a full paper review before the conference will require a large enough network and is time intensive. However, Henk van Zuylen is aiming to do so for next INSTR.
6.Yasounori Iida retirement
Yasounori Iida requested to be withdrawn from the Scientific Committee. The primary reason for this is his retirement next year. Secondly, he notes that four Japanese members in the committee might be too many to keep the international balance.
Mike Bell thanks Yousourni Iida for his contributions as a founding member of INSTR. The Committee asks Yasounori Iida to become an honory member and to keep in contact with this conference series. This is accepted by Yasounori Iida.
Mike Bell asks if there are any further issues and closes the meeting by thanking all attendees.
发表于 2005-12-1 20:22:33 | 显示全部楼层


How is the progress of extending the parking paper for the ISTTT17? Are you still interested to submit this abstract to ISTTT17? Please advise.
Note that the deadline for submission is 15 Jan 2006.
Hi all,
Can you please circulate the ISTTT17 second call for papers widely?  It is particularly important since the cycle starts so soon...  Note too that there is an intention to refund reasonable travel costs for speakers...
I would be grateful if you would forward the attached to IAC members with a request to circulate it widely (with the customary apologies for cross-posting). As you will see, we have included a statement of our intention to refund "reasonable travel costs for speakers" in the hope that this will open the flood gates!
ISTTT 17 London 2007
For details of the 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
in London visit www.isttt.org. Deadline for extended abstracts is 15 January 2006.


The 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory ( ISTTT17 ) will be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, UK from July 23 to 25, 2007. The ISTTT series is the main gathering for the world';s transportation and traffic theorists, and those who are interested in contributing to or gaining a deeper understanding of the field. The Symposium deals with both scientific and operational aspects of transportation and traffic, spanning all modes of transport, and covering freight as well as private and public transport. For further details see www.isttt.org.

To present a paper at this event, an extended abstract (1000 words) should be submitted electronically (word or pdf format) to the organisers at isttt17@imperial.ac.uk by 15 January 2006, for a first-round review. If the abstract is accepted, a full length manuscript will be requested by 30 June 2006, for final evaluation. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to produce a final camera-ready manuscript in Word format by 15 January 2007, for publication in the proceedings by Elsevier. Following the tradition of previous Symposia, the proceedings (now recognised as a journal by the Scopus abstract and indexing database) will be available at the time of the Symposium.

It is expected that ISTTT17 will be able to refund reasonable travel costs for up to one speaker per accepted paper.  

c/o Jackie Sime
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College London
London SW7 2BU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20-7594-6100
Fax: +44 (0)20-7594-6102

Carlos F. Daganzo
The Robert Horonjeff Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
416A McLaughlin Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1720
Director, UC Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport: A Volvo Center of Excellence
发表于 2005-12-2 23:48:09 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-2 23:50:10 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-5-30 14:34:21 | 显示全部楼层


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