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发表于 2005-12-1 20:15:33
[热点讨论] 交通科学 与 交通工程 !
[这个贴子最后由宋涛在 2005/12/01 08:38pm 第 1 次编辑]
D. Chowdhury et al的文章Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems ,Physics Reports Volume: 329, Issue: 4-6, May, 2000, pp. 199-329 ,有兴趣的版友可以下载看看的!
In the so-called `microscopica models of vehicular tra$c, attention is paid explicitly to each individual vehicle each of which is represented by a`particlea; the nature of the `interactionsa among these particles is determined by the way the vehicles in#uence each others'; movement. Therefore, vehicular tra$c, modeled as a system of interacting `particlesa driven far from equilibrium, o!ers the possibility to study various fundamental aspects of truly nonequilibrium systems which are of current interest in statistical physics.Analytical as well as numerical techniques of statistical physics are being used to study these models to understand rich variety of physical phenomena exhibited by vehicular tra$c. Some of these phenomena,observed in vehicular tra$c under di!erent circumstances, include transitions from one dynamical phase to another, criticality and self-organized criticality, metastability and hysteresis, phase-segregation, etc. In this critical review, written from the perspective of statistical physics, we explain the guiding principles behind all the main theoretical approaches. But we present detailed discussions on the results obtained mainly from the so-called `particle-hoppinga models, particularly emphasizing those which have been formulated in recent years using the language of cellular automata.