发表于 2011-2-27 00:05:50
回复 28# wdlxmzd 的帖子
Dear Wdlxmzd,
As far as I can see, the popularity of LBGK model is the problem. It is just like addiction. An analogy of it is fast food. MacDonald is good because it tastes good and is popular. But it makes you fat, too. If you don't want be obese, you have to stay away from MacDonald. I just don't see any way around.
Now, concerning LBGK model, I don't see who is "打压BGK", and not "允许其他学者继续从事和发展BGK". Whoever wants to invest his time in a lost cause, be my guest -- no one can stop him, and no one cares to. Almost 100% of publications from China are based on the LBGK model. So, it is indeed thriving, at least in China. My only objection is that these same people would say that LBE with bounce-back boundary conditions is only 1st order accurate, bla-bla-bla... The fact is that that's a defect specific to the LBGK model, but NOT the LBE in general. As far as math and physics are concerned, the LBGK model has NO advantages, besides it is easy to be addicted. I simply cannot imagine an inferior and defective model such as LBGK model in a win-win situation, nor do I think it is good thing that "LBM的飞速发展特别是其在国内的发展,很大程度上是因为BGK的简单吸引了人们。"
The sole point for me to voice my opinion in this forum is to advise those young students who are about to jump into this field but don't exactly know what they are doing. I only hope to save their time and effort. As for those who have faith and/or vested interest in the LBGK model, my comments are completely irrelevant and should be ignored.
The prerequisites I require my students include: calculus, linear algebra, and some basic knowledge of PDE and hydrodynamics, and that is ALL it takes to understand the MRT model. If this is indeed too much to ask for of the graduate student in China nowadays, then the situation is indeed grave.
There are other points in your comments which are far beyond the narrow domain of my knowledge (occidental vs. oriental thoughts, etc.) and I can only concede.
All the best,
-- LSL |