楼主: zqb138


发表于 2012-9-13 02:41:40 | 显示全部楼层


[讨论]伯努利方程是能量方程还是动量方程? [coolboy]

[讨论]拉瓦尔喷管(Laval nozzle)中的声速究竟是什么? [coolboy]


As to Zou-He's scheme, the following is a direct quote [under Eq. (37) from Zou-He's PoF paper, 1997] regarding the Poiseuille flow:

"For a fixed tau, the error is second-order in the lattice spacing delta. Of course, large value of tau will give large errors, ..."

Bear in mind: Poiseuille flow is a second flow (2nd-order polynomial in space), thus any 2nd-order scheme ought to get exact solution with NO error.

Obviously someone can perform magic here -- they claim that they can do what Zou-He could not.

The key point is this: All these models can be solved ANALYTICALLY for simple flows -- Zou-He's conclusion is based on the analytic solution, thus we understand them completely. I still don't see one single advantage of the LBGK scheme (and alike) based on reasoning.

If someone offers you the advantages of these models, ask him/her to EXPLAIN, and not to EXCLAIM.
PROF. LUO是美国大学的教授,拥有丰厚的工资,即使没有项目,也可以过得很好,退休后,也可以高枕无忧地拿着养老金生活无虞。可中国学生,中国科研工作者呢,依靠基本工资,根本无法生存,项目是赖以生存的根本,而申请项目与基金,没有工程应用背景,将是致命的。现在,即使是数学,也要有应用背景。这就是中国的环境。也就是我站的角度。加强理论是必要,将LBM指引上纠缠数学的深渊对科研来说也许没错,但是对中国学生来说则是绝对错误的。这就是中国环境所决定的。

好了,我也不打算再回复下去了,以上观点,看法,立场的不同引发的争论,冒犯的地方,向PROF. LUO表示歉意,也请谅解。




[ 本帖最后由 coolboy 于 2013-3-7 01:59 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 02:42:13 | 显示全部楼层

我个人还是倾向于PROF LUO的观点的。若理论上很明显地行不通,但实际计算出来的结果却很好,我们就应该抱有更谨慎的态度来对待那些好的结果。主要也还是因为(也许是中国中庸之道的文化所致)目前“中国环境下”一窝蜂作假的现实。在本论坛上已经提到过好几次的关于至少十几个院士(绝大多数是华人力学界的院士)参与到论文造假的传销行骗活动的的例子说的也就是这么一回事:




风雅君 (2004-8-1 13:39:06)

上面说道:“这次中央大学以学校名义把HHT的传销活动蔓延到日本,看来也未必能使日本科学家们上当受骗。”那是2008年的事。最近发现有一位日本科学家(片岡龍峰,Ryuho Kataoka)在2009年也上当受骗了。这位日本科学家还刚好是在那被传销单位的日本东京工业大学。看来以学校名义由官方正式出面直接从事传销活动所具有的欺骗性比个人传销的是要大,大很多!
所谓“天上可以掉下馅饼来”当然是一种比喻。象上面95楼的片岡龍峰(Ryuho Kataoka)在上当受骗之后,再写出HHT论文并提及“HHT is capable of automatically extracting the Pi1, Pi2, and Pc3 from the irregular high-latitude geoic pulsations”。他所说的这句话也就相当于“天上可以掉下馅饼来”。其他人再读了这论文之后是很容易又参与到继续的传销活动中去的。


[ 本帖最后由 coolboy 于 2013-3-7 02:01 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 03:29:01 | 显示全部楼层

回复 77# coolboy 的帖子




马克思的共产主义理论没有害到他自己的祖国,却作为幽灵徘徊在中国大地上空。这就是,须晴日,看指引者,携手妻眷 沐加州阳光 安享晚年,被指引着,误入歧途 陷生存困境 进退失据。

[ 本帖最后由 wdlxmzd 于 2012-9-12 19:57 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 03:56:13 | 显示全部楼层

回复 66# wdlxmzd 的帖子

Since WDLXMZD altered what he/she has said, I decide to post his/her original posting as the following so the public can see what we have been enduring, and whether we should endure it at all. Man must be responsible for his own words and needs. The question to me now is whether or not some justice should be done here.



"本来是very minor issue,这是完全按照LUO自己的思路给放大的,因为他就是这

[ 本帖最后由 luo@odu.edu 于 2012-9-13 21:57 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 04:07:15 | 显示全部楼层

回复 79# luo@odu.edu 的帖子




当您高喊,BGK stupid的时候,stupid可是个侮辱性的词,您侮辱了做BGK的学生,并给当时做BGK的学生包括本人在内造成极大心理压力,当您号称9X9的矩阵对13亿中国人就这么难吗,您侮辱了所有的中国人。我在之前已对上述不适言辞表示歉意,迄今为止,您有过因为您的这些行为与言辞表示过任何歉意?


您是上人,也许难以理解自己高喊几句BGK stupid给学生们造成的羞辱与心理压力,这些东西您想过没有,反省过没有?我的言辞也许伤害到了您,但是您却从心理上伤害了不止一个LBM学生,您有反省过,有过任何表示和歉意没有?



[ 本帖最后由 wdlxmzd 于 2012-9-12 23:02 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 05:24:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-13 07:54:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-13 08:08:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 73# luo@odu.edu 的帖子

“The question is NOT whether the LBGK can realize the no-slip BCs or not. The question is whether the boundary location depends on the viscosity (or tau) in the LBGK scheme, or whether it is mathematically consistent (with the Navier-Stokes solutions).

Inamuro's scheme "works" because he fixed tau=1, and then computed the viscous term "manually", in effect introducing a 2nd relaxation time. This is not an LBGK any more. Also, the scheme was first invented by Junk & Rao, not by Inamuro. This scheme does NOT solve the problem of viscosity-dependence of the boundary location of the LBGK scheme, it only mitigates the problem slightly around tau=1. Even Inamuro himself admits it -- I visited Kyoto University this April, and present an analysis of the so-called "LKS" to him and others, he agreed with my analysis.

As to Zou-He's scheme, the following is a direct quote [under Eq. (37) from Zou-He's PoF paper, 1997] regarding the Poiseuille flow:

"For a fixed tau, the error is second-order in the lattice spacing delta. Of course, large value of tau will give large errors, ..."

Bear in mind: Poiseuille flow is a second flow (2nd-order polynomial in space), thus any 2nd-order scheme ought to get exact solution with NO error.

Obviously someone can perform magic here -- they claim that they can do what Zou-He could not.”
发表于 2012-9-13 16:14:05 | 显示全部楼层



首先,第一点,郭老师书上224图10.3.1,里面叙述的边界格式是壁面置于J=0.5处,注意ZOU-HE边界,壁面是置于J=0处,我想请大家注意,不过这并不影响我后面要讲的,即公式10.3.11,这个是对于外力驱动平板流动 内点格子 LBM能够成立的。这个是不受边界条件影响的。如有兴趣,大家可以自己推导一下。

第二点:基于10.3.11,那么对于外力驱动平板流动,LBM加某一边界条件就会得到10.3.13,这个时候关键在于滑移速度Us。对于ZOU-HE边界也即关键在于 J=0时,U是不是等于零。由于ZOU-HE边界是求解边界上的方程而得到,对于外力驱动的平板流动是能够确保得到速度零的。

好了,解说完了。程序附后,VC++,VISUAL STUDIO 2008也可以,只要在CPP文件最上面加个#include "stdafx.h" 就可以。另外因为是稳态流动且外力均匀,无须考虑外力离散效应。


2:按照10.3.11输出 看稳定时这个式子是不是对内点成立,如输出
( u[4][Nx/2][0]-2.0*u[3][Nx/2][0]+u[2][Nx/2][0] )*niu, 其结果应该为 负的外力;

最后做个陈词,我不想再争论下去了,因为这个程序放在网上已经是1年半以前的事,这说明别人根本不CARE你这个CODE。前面一位兄台说得很对,其实很多时候只要不当真就能够释怀,别人骂几句BGK STUPID,就听听吧。嗯,这个话题我也不打算再回复下去了。


[ 本帖最后由 wdlxmzd 于 2012-9-13 18:23 编辑 ]


913.23 KB, 下载次数: 128

发表于 2012-9-13 20:19:01 | 显示全部楼层

回复 83# lwd1981 的帖子

Dear LWD1981,

Your question is the simplest one, and yet the hardest one for me to answer succinctly. But let me give a try anyway. The Boltzmann equation (BE) solves the distribution function (DF) in phase space, not the hydrodynamic variables (flow density, momentum, and temperature) in real space, which are only the first few velocity moments of the DF. The boundary conditions of the BE are of course imposed on DF instead of just the hydrodynamic variables. In the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations, the boundary conditions are directly imposed on the hydrodynamic variables, while in the BE, they are indirectly imposed on them, so to speak. The LBE inherits this feature from the BE, because it is derived from the BE. Thus, for any boundary conditions of the LBE, you have to check carefully what are the effects on the hydrodynamic variables. This is a nuisance really, especially for those who are familiar with CFD but not kinetic theory.

However, we do have a theory for the LBE, although it is often ignored. Let's use the boundary conditions for simple flows as an example. You take the LBE with whatever collision model you prefer: BGK, MRT, TRT, LKS, etc. For, say, the Poiseuille flow, the LBE becomes a set of algebraic equations, which can be EASILY solved ANALYTICALLY. When you compare the LBE solution with the analytic solution of the NS equations and you can immediately see the problem you have -- the boundary values of the hydrodynamic variables depend on the collision model you chose: While ALL LB models give a PERFECT parabola, but where u=0 (the no-slip boundary condition) depends on collision model, or more specifically, the relaxation times in the model. This is of course reasonable: the higher-order moments in the LBE (which do not appear in the NS equations) are fluxes, and they affect the hydrodynamic variables -- the relaxation times determine the dissipation of these fluxes, hence the transport coefficients (and beyond).

Once this principle is understood, you will choose a collision model which allows you to match the LBE solution with the NS one EXACTLY, and this is precisely what the MRT model does -- it provides the freedom to adjust/correct the boundary conditions on the hydrodynamic variables, while the LBGK model does not have this luxury -- it has ONLY one parameter which is determined by the Reynolds number (Re). While the LBGK model can yield a PERFECT parabola, its boundary location can be miles off the exact solution, depending on the relaxation parameter "tau". This problem of the LBGK model alone has confused many as whether the LBGK model is 1st or 2nd order accurate, and upon this confusion, an industry has been built -- so many papers have been published, and it's still going. Pure theoretical interest aside, this fatal defect of the LBGK model prevents it to be used for flows through porous media, for which the LBE is one of the most competitive means, if not the best one.

Lately, this erroneous artifact of the LBGK model has found a new life -- it has been cast (or re-cast) as the "kinetic" slip velocity in rarefied gas flow. The problem of this approach is: the flow fields are wrong, and it leads to the preposterous results which require the Knudsen number Kn < 0! Yet, you will see paper after paper on this.

In literature, you will find the pioneering theoretical work by Ginzburg, d'Humieres, and others from early '90's. Often people complain that these papers are difficult to read. This is true to some extend but it's not a very sound excuse. However, if you are interested in the algebraic system resulted from the LBE and its solution, you could read the paper by He et. al. (which can be download from my website, paper #9), which solves the LBGK model with a number of BCs. The same technique can be used for the MRT model and it has been done and published.

The bottom line is: a theory exists, whether it is accepted or not that's another matter. There are only a few gems buried in a desert of pebbles, while the almighty internet provides such a convenience, to find these gems still requires human intelligence -- I wonder if and when computer will do anything/everything so we will no longer need human intelligence. I much sympathize many students in dire situations -- only not too long ago I was in the same situation myself. My own experience and the current situation motivate and compel me to take a forceful stance against fables of falsehood and the charlatans who promote them.

-- LSL

[ 本帖最后由 luo@odu.edu 于 2012-9-13 22:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-13 21:23:06 | 显示全部楼层

回复85# luo@odu.edu 的帖子

发表于 2012-9-14 00:18:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wdlxmzd 于 2012-9-13 03:29 发表 [url=http://www.cfluid.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=402471&ptid=116572]马克思的共产主义理论没有害到他自己的祖国,却作为幽灵徘徊在中国大地上空。这就是,须晴日,看指引者,携手妻眷 沐加州阳光 安享晚年,被指引着,误入歧途 陷生存困境 进退失据。

发表于 2012-9-14 00:22:22 | 显示全部楼层

不要自作多情,人家是携妻在加州晒太阳 安享晚年;你是携妻在加州晒太阳 努力造人和赚钱。哈哈
发表于 2012-9-14 01:40:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复 84# wdlxmzd 的帖子


The following information in your last message may prove to be sufficient for me to "understand" your method/arguments:

> 如果大家感兴趣
> 1:可以看看得到的结果是不是精确解,从松驰因子0.51到100,Y方向格子数为
> 20,看看每个点上的结果是不是都是精确解,看看壁面速度是不是零或者机械
> 精度上的零,如e-18等;
> 2:按照10.3.11输出 看稳定时这个式子是不是对内点成立,如输出(
> u[4][Nx/2][0]-2.0*u[3][Nx/2][0]+u[2][Nx/2][0] )*niu, 其结果应该为 负
> 的外力;
> 最后做个陈词,我不想再争论下去了,因为这个程序放在网上已经是1年半以前
> 的事,这说明别人根本不CARE你这个CODE。

Several points before I go on. First, I don't know C++. Second, it is true that I do not "care" about your code or anyone else's for that matter, so I don't even want to look at it, for the reason that this problem (Poiseuille flow) is thoroughly solved and the only role of a code is to check someone's carefulness in programming. Thus, as a matter of principle, I do not ask for codes, nor do I offer any, especially for a discussion as the current one -- the burden of validating/verifying a code rests solely on the author(s) of the code, and no one else. If this is interpreted as something else, then I am hardly the one to blame.

This discussion, should you be willing, may not benefit either you or me much. However, it may do someone some good -- this discussion has more than 1800 hits. Thus a conclusive ending may help some of those watching. If you decide not to go on, there is no need to read further.

If you decide to go along, then some conventions must be set. Assuming the D2Q9 lattice BGK scheme as we know it (the important thing is the equilibria) is used, with the units that dx = 1 and dt = 1. The viscosity is nu = ( tau - 1/2 ) / 3, and the speed of sound is given by c_s^2 = 1/3. The most important/crucial information is the boundary conditions, it seems to me that you use the ones described in Zou-He's paper, Phys. Fluids (1997). In any event, the BCs must be given explicitly and clearly.

I suggest the following test to be carried out and the data to be posted here for interested ones to study. First, the choice of channel width should be an odd number, so there is always a grid point, (N+1)/2, exactly at the center. An even number is not as good, but does not matter much for what we are going to do. With a fixed number of fluid grids across the channel, say N = 5, and a fixed force F. Then the test is carried out with tau = 0.65, 1.1, 6.5, and 60.5, corresponding to nu = 0.05, 0.2, 2, and 20, respectively. These parameters are not mandatory. However, one should choose N <= 10, and tau's for which the corresponding viscosity values differ in 1 or 2 orders of magnitude.

The results can be compiled in a 2D table: the streamwise velocity u(j) tabulated as a function of the grid index j = 1, ..., N, and tau. The only required post-processing is to use the least-square method to fit u(j) with the following formula:

u(j) = Umax * (j - Y1) * (Y2 - j)

If the code has no error, which seems to be case as you indicated, the above formula can be fitted with machine accuracy.  The end results are two numbers: Umax and H := | Y2 - Y1 | in the unit of dx = 1.  The dependence of Umax and H on tau will tell how LBGK scheme performs with the specified BCs.

We should encourage volunteers to carry out the same test by using your code or their own codes -- comparing notes is never a bad idea.

-- LSL

[ 本帖最后由 luo@odu.edu 于 2012-9-15 08:11 编辑 ]
发表于 2012-9-24 07:25:51 | 显示全部楼层

回复 89# luo@odu.edu 的帖子

I issued an "invitation" to WDLXMZD to publically demonstrate how his/her code works for the Poiseuille flow. So far there has no response. The time to complete the test shouldn't be more than 2 hours: a few seconds (literally) for the actual computation, and an hour or so to do the least-square analysis.

Now I would like to invite volunteers to conduct this simple test. You can use WDLXMZD's LBGK code, or your own LBGK code. I would like to see if anyone can get the exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for the Poiseuille flow with the value of tau between 0.51 and 100.

If no one responds to this invitation within a week or so, I will give my own closing statement then.

-- LSL

[ 本帖最后由 luo@odu.edu 于 2012-9-26 19:01 编辑 ]
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