只能大概描述一下了,我建立region时,跳出来“0 cells marked for refinement, 0 cells marked for coarsening ”
点火的时候,跳出来“Can't figure which cell particle is going to -- ABORT”而且连续跳个不停,就像进入死循环一样。
只能大概描述一下了,我建立region时,跳出来“0 cells marked for refinement, 0 cells marked for coarsening ”
点火的时候,跳出来“Can't figure which cell particle is going to -- ABORT”而且连续跳个不停,就像进入死循环一样。
只能大概描述一下了,我建立region时,跳出来“0 cells marked for refinement, 0 cells marked for coarsening ”
点火的时候,跳出来“Can't figure which cell particle is going to -- ABORT”而且连续跳个不停,就像进入死循环一样。