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导入。在gambit中划分网格也很顺利,两个圆柱布尔加后用面分割不选connect,并将体与体之间的两个面要建成两个interface,并在fluent-define-grid interface里create成一个interface,按照书上设置,结果fluent总不能计算,这是为什么呢?提示如下:Grid Check
Domain Extents:
x-coordinate: min (m) = -2.000000e+001, max (m) = 2.000000e+001
y-coordinate: min (m) = -2.000000e+001, max (m) = 2.000000e+001
z-coordinate: min (m) = 0.000000e+000, max (m) = 6.000000e+001
Volume statistics:
minimum volume (m3): 3.490248e+000
maximum volume (m3): 1.396305e+001
total volume (m3): 4.700289e+004
Face area statistics:
minimum face area (m2): 1.737731e+000
maximum face area (m2): 6.937502e+000
Checking number of nodes per cell.
Checking number of faces per cell.
Checking thread pointers.
Checking number of cells per face.
Checking face cells.
Checking bridge faces.
Checking right-handed cells.
Checking face handedness.
Checking face node order.
Checking element type consistency.
Checking boundary types:
Checking face pairs.
Checking periodic boundaries.
Checking node count.
Checking nosolve cell count.
Checking nosolve face count.
Checking face children.
Checking cell children.
Checking parent-child pointers (cell).
Checking parent-child pointers (face).
Checking thread consistency across compute nodes.
Checking thread layer counts.
Checking neighbor counts.
Checking exterior faces.
Checking interface faces.
Checking interface nodes.
Checking face ids.
Checking node ids.
Checking corner nodes.
Checking interior cell pointers.
Checking exterior cell pointers.
Checking face count.
Checking node count.
Checking storage.
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, Undefined dynamic error code.
999999 (..\..\src\mpsystem.c@1123): mpt_read: failed: errno = 10054
999999: mpt_read: error: read failed trying to read 4 bytes: Invalid argument
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, Undefined dynamic error code.
The Parallel FLUENT process could not be started.
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, Undefined dynamic error code.
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, Undefined dynamic error code.
job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: PC20140306ZNSF: 123
1: PC20140306ZNSF: 123
2: PC20140306ZNSF: -1073741819: process 2 exited without calling finalize
3: PC20140306ZNSF: 123
[ 本帖最后由 龙biscuit 于 2014-8-24 16:44 编辑 ] |