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发表于 2015-1-14 15:28:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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由于Ma=Re*(tau-0.5)*dx/D'/1.732<0.3(根号3的值,此公式可根据Ma定义结合粘度公式推导得出)且雷诺数、dx,D’均已知可得到tau的取值范围,结合tau的经验范围(0.5,2)可取一个初值tau,任取流体的格子速度Ulb=0.1 密度rho=1,保证雷诺数值不变得到粘度值,再由粘度公式v=C*C(tau-0.5)*dt/3,及C=dx/dt,得出dt的值,至此基本变量dx,dt,Ulb,v等量已知,具体步骤如下图。
    看似合理但又感觉这样的计算存在问题,首先对于非稳态传热问题,需要画出无量纲时间(通常用Fo傅里叶数表达)与温度的关系图,可是怎么联系格子时间与F0,格子单位下一次碰撞就是经历了dt时间,而对于非稳态问题 需要在一个时间间隔Dt内迭代N次达到准稳态再计算下一个时间间隔,以此类推。希望大家能指点我一二, 。

 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-14 15:30:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-2-5 22:25:06 | 显示全部楼层
The Mach number Ma determines one scaled time step size (for the viscous process), and the Fourier number Fo will determine another one (for the heat transfer process), you have to choose the smaller one of the two.

You can see how time step size is determined by both Re and Nu (Nusselt number) in the following two papers:

D. Contrino, P. Lallemand, P. Asinari, and L.-S. Luo.
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the thermally driven 2D square cavity at high Rayleigh numbers. Journal of Computational Physics 275:257-272 (15 October 2014).

J. Wang, D.H. Wang, P. Lallemand, and L.-S. Luo.
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of thermal convective flows in two dimensions.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 65(2):262-286 (January 2013).

They can be downloaded from my website http://www.lions.odu.edu/~lluo

Hope it helps.

-- LSL
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