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[会议] 第12届国际船舶与海洋工程水动力学研讨会

发表于 2022-12-21 18:35:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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“第12届国际船舶与海洋工程水动力学研讨会”将于2023年8月28日-9月1日,在芬兰Aalto City召开。本次会议由IWSH执委会主办,Aalto University承办。会议将出版论文集,在 IOP Science conference series on Materials Science and Engineering (ISSN: 17578981)全文发表,同时质量好的论文将被推荐到Ocean Engineering 和 Journal of Hydrodynamics 上,作为IWSH专辑的正刊论文发表。欢迎大家于2023年2月14日之前,在 https://www.morressier.com/call-for-abstracts/IWSH-2023 提交论文摘要,参加会议交流!

August 28-September 2, 2023 · ESPOO, Aalto City, Finland

The 12th Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH 2023) will take place in Aalto University, Espoo, Finland from the 28th of August to the 1st of September 2023. The workshop is normally a bi-annual event with focus on marine engineering, ship hydrodynamics and floating renewable energy.
The scope of the workshop topics will be on theoretical, experimental and numerical research as well as a combination of those. Conference papers will be published as open access (fee : 80 Euro per publication) in the IOP Science conference series on Materials Science and Engineering (ISSN : 17578981). Specific themes include :
1. Linear and nonlinear waves and currents
2. Ship dynamics and hydrodynamics for design (Resistance, propulsion, seakeeping, manoeuvrability, Hull form and propulsion optimization based on CAD/CFD)
3. Sea loads and responses such as slamming, sloshing, green water, run-up, ice, impact on ships and floating offshore installations (e.g. breakwaters, FLNG, FSRU, semi-submersibles etc.)
4. Propeller cavitation, erosion and cavitating flows
5. Computational Fluid Dynamics, digital twins, numerical wave tank and virtual displaying systems
6. Coupled problems: Fluid-structure interactions, Ship hydroelasticity and hydro-elasto-plasticity, underwater noise, ice – wave - structure interactions, aero-hydrodynamic loading of floating wind turbines
7. Emerging topics : Meshless numerical methods (e.g. SPH, MPI, CPI and beyond), digital twins, bioinspired hydrodynamics
8. The hydrodynamic performance of high-speed vessels, offshore platforms, pipelines, risers and mooring systems
9. Hydrodynamics of renewable marine energy and ocean resources
10. Experimental methods for towing and ice tanks, wave flume and water basin
11. Uncertainties and uncertainty modelling
12. Any other aspects of hydrodynamics of relevance to ship science and ocean engineering

IWSH 2023_Call_for_paper(1).pdf (3.19 MB, 下载次数: 4)
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