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ANSYS 9.0发布

发表于 2004-12-9 20:33:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[这个贴子最后由firedragon在 2004/12/09 08:34pm 第 1 次编辑]

ANSYS 9.0 is the first software release featuring electromagnetic, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and mesh creation technologies integrated within the ANSYS(R) Workbench(TM) product development environment, making simulation more powerful and more accessible to a broader range of users.
ANSYS 9.0 offers new advances; integrates core technology within the ANSYS(R) Workbench(TM)
SOUTHPOINTE, Pa., Nov. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ANSYS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANSS), a global innovator of simulation software and technologies designed to optimize product development processes, today announced ANSYS 9.0, the first software release featuring electromagnetic, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and mesh creation technologies integrated within the ANSYS(R) Workbench(TM) product development environment < http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;environment >, making simulation more powerful and more accessible to a broader range of users.
"At Eaton, for over the past 20 years we have relied on the ANSYS software to qualify our products," said Thomas Chimner, chief engineer at Eaton Corporation. "Now, ANSYS has taken this capability to the next level by incorporating this powerful tool into the Workbench and provided our development team the tools to succeed in today';s competitive market."
A major upgrade for the CAE industry';s leading simulation software, ANSYS 9.0 is an important stride toward the continued evolution of Workbench as a more productive and collaborative engineering tool for simulation-driven, integrated product development. Workbench';s easy-to-use modern architecture allows companies to be more productive by eliminating manual file transfer, result translation and reanalysis, saving time and money.
"We recognize the leadership of ANSYS in the engineering marketplace, and we are delighted that we were able to easily integrate ANSYS Workbench into our structural solutions in such a short period of time," said Gary Wyatt, International Sales and Marketing director at RoboBAT and ISS. "Now, ANSYS has taken this powerful tool to a new level by integrating CFD with all the physics solvers and CAE tools available within the Workbench. It is clear that both RoboBAT/ISS and ANSYS are focused on offering true workflow and integrated solutions for the engineering designer."
Ideal for companies utilizing simulation in their product development processes, ANSYS 9.0 extends core features and provides powerful robust design capabilities <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;robust> as well as impressive developments in the areas of mechanics, <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;mechanics> computational fluid dynamics, <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;cfd> high-frequency electromagnetics <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;electromagnetics> and multiphysics <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;multiphysics>.
In addition, new breakthrough technology for large-scale parallel computing <http://www.ansys.com/products/newfeatures/default.asp&#35;distributed>, allows users to analyze complete systems without unnecessary approximations to their models.
"ANSYS 9.0 is a significant leap toward our long-term strategic vision. It is a validation of where we are and where we are going," said Jim Cashman, president & CEO at ANSYS. "It is our commitment to respond to customer demands and to make better quality solutions that are reliable throughout the product lifecycle."
To learn more about the integrated capabilities within ANSYS 9.0, visit http://www.ansys.com/product/newfeatures .
About Eaton Corporation
Eaton Corporation is a diversified industrial manufacturer with 2003 sales of $8.1 billion. Eaton is a global leader in fluid power systems and services for industrial, mobile and aircraft equipment; electrical systems and components for power quality, distribution and control; automotive engine air management systems, powertrain solutions and specialty controls for performance, fuel economy and safety; and intelligent truck drivetrain systems for safety and fuel economy. Eaton has 55,000 employees and sells products to customers in more than 100 countries.
About RoboBAT
RoboBAT is a major developer of engineering solutions for the structural engineer. The company has origins in mainland Europe and also operates "ISS" subsidiaries in the USA and the UK, in addition to working with many Distributors across the world. RoboBAT has been supplying leading edge analysis and design solutions to the structural and civil engineering marketplace for over 20 years. For more information, contact: Gary Wyatt, gary@issrobot.com or visit http://www.issrobot.com .
About ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc., founded in 1970, develops and globally markets engineering simulation software and technologies widely used by engineers and designers across a broad spectrum of industries. ANSYS focuses on the development of open and flexible solutions that enable users to analyze designs directly on the desktop, providing a common platform for fast, efficient and cost- conscious product development, from design concept to final-stage testing and validation. Headquartered in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania U.S.A. with more than 25 strategic sales locations throughout the world, ANSYS, Inc. employs approximately 550 people and distributes its products through a network of channel partners in over 40 countries. Visit http://www.ansys.com for more information.
ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, CFX, and any and all ANSYS, Inc. product and service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries located in the United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark licensed by ANSYS, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

整合产品研发平台ANSYS 9.0在Workbench平台下融合了更多的ANSYS的核心技术,提供了这些产品集成化的解决方案,提高了用户的生产力。Workbench 9.0是第一个除结构分析能力外,又具备电磁分析能力、以及业界领先的CFD及网格划分技术(CFX和ICEM CFD)的ANSYS软件版本。并且,Workbench 9.0还丰富了材料库,兑现了ANSYS公司对客户的承诺,也就是,针对市场提供集成化、模块化、可扩展的工程仿真解决方案。
作为ANSYS CFX最新和最为强大的版本, CFX 5.7可在Workbench的界面下,在统一的环境中轻松完成整个CFD仿真流程。就如同一件精美的艺术品,用户可以通过它来完成CAD的数据读取、几何处理、网格划分、物理环境设置、求解控制以及后处理,而不再需要在完全不同的产品中切换和处理数据库文件。这标志着ANSYS在各类技术整合方面又迈出了坚实的一步,那就是将CFD和 Workbench中的多物理求解器及各类CAE工具深入整合在一起。同时,强大的ICEM CFD网格处理工具也被集成到Workbench,满足高质量的多体六面体网格划分及复杂装配需求。
另外,“Workbench advanced meshing”工具提供了对许多求解软件的支持,可以读入并输出各种求解器识别的文件格式。无论对于CFD用户还是结构分析用户,网格处理全过程的易用性有了飞跃。CAE用户将从更先进的前/后处理以及以往模型的数据协同方面获益匪浅。而对于CFD用户,更好的混合建模功能,如纯六面体,六面体为主,四面体/金字塔单元混合以及局部重新划分体网格的功能,确保了网格的高质量。这是Workbench集成新一代网格划分工具的分水岭。
Workbench 9.0另一大特色是提供了工业界最易用的电磁仿真功能,即静磁建模和分析,满足了旋转电机、电磁线圈以及磁铁的设计和制动器市场的仿真需求。该版本提供了独具特色的CAD双向参数互动功能、分析向导、方便易用的空气外场网格划分工具、复杂电机线圈绕阻的设置功能,以及实心导体和螺旋管导体的直接建模功能。除了出色的云图和矢量图可视化外,此软件还可以自动计算力、扭矩、感应系数和线圈的磁通量泄漏。
致力于提高Simulation的高级非线性分析能力,ANSYS 9.0着重增强了3-D和2-D的多载荷步分析。用户可以通过一个非常直接的,方便的界面完成多载荷步加载、求解以及后处理。此外,增强功能还包括梁应力工具、ANSYS APDL的自定义命令行、接触建模,以及用于提高用户仿真效率的其他工具。`
ANSYS Workbench 9.0界面在材料数据库方面有显著的提高。“Engineering Data”文件夹提供了Workbench中所有模块需要的材料数据,并提供了方便的功能访问这些材料库。这些材料数据包括结构和热相关性能、电磁特性(包括B-H曲线)、对流数据,另外参数化的表格式数据可用于DesignXplorer产品。
总而言之,ANSYS 9.0在Workbench平台上开辟了整合核心技术的新天地。进一步提高了生产率及不同场的集成化的解决方案。参数建模、CAD数据处理、工程数据处理、先进的6SIGMA工具、低频电磁领域、非线性分析以及鲁棒性设计功能等诸多方面均获增强。

发表于 2004-12-10 10:58:40 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

有 ANSYS_V9.0,需要用emule下载,呵呵,不知道好用不好用啊!有兴趣的可以试试。
发表于 2004-12-10 12:40:30 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

发表于 2004-12-10 22:26:12 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

发表于 2004-12-11 10:35:47 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

下面引用由cfd8882004/12/10 10:26pm 发表的内容:

发表于 2004-12-13 09:50:40 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

发表于 2005-2-22 04:03:55 | 显示全部楼层

ANSYS 9.0发布

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