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| The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D associated to the book |
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| "Numerische Simulation in der Stroemungsmechanik" |
| by M. Griebel, Th. Dornseifer, and T. Neunhoeffer |
| Vieweg 1995 |
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| In december 1997, an english translation will be published by SIAM |
| Title: "Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics" |
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- The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes
equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems.
It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidistant
staggered grid, central and upwind (donor-cell) discretization of the
convective parts and an explicit time stepping scheme. The free
boundary value problems are treated with the MAC technique.
- The program was developed for education at a Computer Science Institute.
Thus, it is easy to understand and easy to implement but it is not a
"state of the art" program.
- The files can be found in PRG_english. There is also a compressed version
in PRG_english.zip. Please uncompress with unzip PRG_english.zip.
Then, the files are located in the directory PRG_english.
- The program is written in the C programming language.
- Compilation of the program with "make".
- Used C-compiler is "gcc" (see "makefile")
- Run the program by
"run <Inputfile>" e.g."run dcavity.par".
- In the inputfiles "*.par" (examples can be found in the sub-directory
"ARAMETER"), the parameters for the program are given, such as
the parameters for the discretization, for the fluid, for the
initial data,... The inputfile given when starting "run" is read
at the beginning of the program.
- The following problems are implemented and inputfiles are available
in the subdirectory "ARAMETER"
* dcavityriven Cavity
* backstep:Flow over a backward facing step
* balken:Flow past an inclined plate
* kreis:Flow past a circular obstacle
* klappen: Flow through a T-junction
* damm: Breaking dam (free boundary value problem FBVP)
* tropfen: Splash of a liquid drop (FBVP)
* spritzguss: Injection moulding (FBVP)
* wafa: Flow over a backward facing step with free surface
* convection: Buoyancy flow with heated side walls
* fluidtrap: Buoyancy flow with obstacles
* rayleigh: Buoyancy flow with heated upper and lower wall
(Rayleigh-Benard Flow)
- For some problems (e.g. backstep, balken, kreis) the pressure correction
does not converge in the first time steps. This is due to the fact that
the initial velocity field does not satisfy the continuity equation.
- It is possible to store intermediate data in "outfile" specified in the
inputfile. Later on, you can use this intermediate data as initial data
for continuing your simulation if you specify this file as input-data
- The comments in the code are not very detailed. For a complete
description of the code, please see the book.
- For the implementation of new problems, it is necessary to write
a new inputfile, to modify the boundary data in the function
"SETSPECBCOND" in the file "boundary.c" and the definition of the
obstacles in "INIT_FLAG" ("init.c").
- Parallelization and turbulence simulation described in the book are
not included in this package.
- For visualization, we used the graphics tool IDL. Using other
visualization software, it might be necessary to adapt the functions
"OUTPUTVEC_bin" and "streaklines_bin" in visual.c.
ATTENTION: The program was developed on a HP workstation.
There might appear some problems under DOS or WINDOWS95
If you have questions, please contact
Frank Koster
Abteilung fuer wissenschaftliches Rechnen und numerische Simulation
Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik
Universitaet Bonn
D-53115 Bonn
e-mail: koster@iam.uni-bonn.de