楼主: 水寿松


 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-1 21:13:09 | 显示全部楼层


Prof. ZHANG H.M.(张红军教授)简介:
1992年7月毕业于University of California, Irvine获硕士学位。
1995年7月毕业于University of California, Irvine获博士学位。
1995年8月起在University of California, Davis任教,为土木与环境工程系终身教授。
1. 交通系统建模
2. 交通系统优化方法
3. 交通系统运行评价   
1. Improved Continuum Models of Vehicular Traffic Flow,美国自然科学基金,编号CMS-9984239,2000年7月-2004年7月,项目负责人;
2. Development and Evaluation of Adaptive Ramp Metering,加州运输部,编号65A0013 MOU #3013,2000年1月-2001,项目负责人;
3. Design, Field Implementation and Evaluation of Adaptive Ramp Metering Algorithms,加州运输部,编号MOU #3146,2001年7月-2004年6月,项目负责人;
4. Development of a Path Flow Estimator for Deriving Steady-State and Time Dependent Origin-Destination Trip Tables,加州运输部,编号MOU #4135,2001年7月-2004年6月,项目负责人。
1.  Zhang, H. M. "A non-equilibrium traffic model devoid of gas-like behavior.” Transportation Research –Part B, Methodological  36 275-290. 2002.
2.  Zhang, H. M. “Driver memory, traffic viscosity and a viscous vehicular traffic flow model.” Transportation Research –Part B, Methodological  37 (1): 27-41 JAN 2003.
3. Zhang, HM “ A theory of nonequilibrium traffic flow”. Transportation Research –Part B, Methodological, 32 (7): 485-498 SEP 1998.
4.  Zhang, H. M. "Analysis of the Stability and Wave Properties of a New Continuum Traffic Theory." Transportation Research –Part B, Methodological Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 399-415. 1999.
5.  Zhang, HM “A finite difference approximation of a non-equilibrium traffic flow model”. Transportation Research –Part B, Methodological, 35 (4): 337-365 MAY 2001.
1. 国际杂志——Journal of Network and Spatial Economics的地区编委;
2. 交通领域权威杂志——Transportation and Research—B的编辑顾问委员会成员;
3. 美国国家研究理事会——交通研究委员会(TRB)的“交通流理论和特征委员会”成员。
2000年获美国自然科学基金委颁发的杰出青年奖(NSF CAREER AWARD, NSF, 2000)。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-1 21:58:42 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2004/12/01 10:03pm 第 1 次编辑]

Prof. Hai Yang (杨海教授)简介:
Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
(  ROOM: 3597   TEL852) 2358 7178    FAX852) 2358 1534  )
E-mail: cehyang@ust.hk;    URL: http://ihome.ust.hk/~cehyang/

PhD, Kyoto University (1992)
Current Research Activities:
Transportation economics; bi-level mathematical programming and applications; traffic control; road pricing; intelligent transportation systems.
交通經濟; 交通網絡可靠性; 交通控制;道路收費與智能運輸系統。

Active Projects as Principal Investigator:
Modeling private roads with heterogeneous users
RGC - Direct Allocation GrantHK$64,30030 Jun 2003
Strategic gaming analysis of competitive transportation services
RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research GrantHK$413,40431 Dec 2002
Optimal traffic counting locations with applications
RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research GrantHK$387,24831 Dec 2001
Development of multi-period dynamic models of urban taxi services
RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research GrantHK$324,00031 Dec 2003

Representative Research Publications:
    He, Bingsheng, Wang, Shengli, Yang, Hai (2003) "A modified variable-penalty alternating direction method for monotone variational inequalities", Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.21, No.4, 495-504.
    Yin, Yafeng, Yang, Hai (2003) "Simultaneous determination of the equilibrium market penetration and compliance rate of advanced traveler information systems", Transportation Research, 37A, No.2, 165-181.
    Yang, Hai, Meng, Qiang (2002) "A note on highway pricing and capacity choice under a build-operate-transfer scheme", Transportation Research, 36A, No.7, 659-663.
    Yang, Hai, Wong, S. C., Wong, K. I. (2002) "Demand-supply equilibrium of taxi services in a network under competition and regulation", Transportation Research, Vol. 36B, No. 9, pp. 799-819.
    Qiao, Fengxiang, Yi, Ping, Yang, Hai, Devaradonda, S. (2002) "Fuzzy logic based intersection delay estimation", Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 36 (11-13): 1425-1434.
    Yang, Hai, Zhang, Xiaoning (2002) "Modeling competitive transit and road traffic information services with heterogeneous endogenous demand", Journal of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record, 1783, 7-16.
    Yang, Hai, Zhang, Xiaoning (2002) "Multi-class network toll design problem with social and spatial equity constraints", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 5, pp. 420-428.
    Yang, Hai, Wang, Judith Y T (2002) "Travel time minimization versus reserve capacity maximization in the network design problem", Journal of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record, 1783, 17-26.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-1 22:07:40 | 显示全部楼层


Prof. LO Hong K.(罗康锦教授)简介
Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
Associate Professor                                          
(  ROOM: 3592   TEL852) 2358 8742     FAX852) 2358 1534  )
E-mail: cehklo@ust.hk ;  URL: http://ihome.ust.hk/~cehklo/

PhD, Ohio State University (1991)
Assistant Research Engineer, Institute of Transportation Studies,
University of California, Berkeley (1993-96)                 
Current Research Activities:
Transportation systems modeling; intelligent transportation systems; dynamic traffic assignment; traffic simulation; traffic signal control; traffic flow theory.
Active Projects as Principal Investigator:
A methodology for assessing, managing, and improving degradable transport networks
  RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research Grant     HK$406,806    01 Dec 2001
Planning transport network improvements over time
  RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research Grant     HK$594,824    30 Dec 2003
Bus network design in a competitive, regulatory environment
  RGC - Competitive Earmarked Research Grant     HK$686,404    30 Dec 2002
A passenger route guidance system for a multi-modal public transport network
  Sino Software Research Institute                 HK$294,000    01 Jul 2002

Representative Research Publications:
    Lin, W, Lo, H (2003) "A Theoretical Probe of a German Experiment on Stationary Moving Traffic Jams", Transportation Research B, 37, 251-261.
    Lo, H, Yip, C W, Wan, K H (2003) "Modeling Transfers and Nonlinear Fare Structure in Multi-modal Transit Network", Transportation Research B, 37, 149-170.
    Lo, H., Tung, Y.K. (2003) "Network with degradable Links: Capacity Analysis and Design", Transportation Research B, 37, 345-363.
    Lo, H (2002-2003) "Trip Travel Time Reliability in Degradable Transport Networks", Transportation and Traffic Theory, 541-560.
    Lo, H, Wong, S C (2002) "Recent Methodological Advances in Urban Transportation Planning", ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 128(4), 167-168.
    Lo, Hong Kam, Szeto, Wai Yuen (2002) "A Cell-based Variational Inequality Formulation of the Dynamic User Optimal Assignment Problem", Transportation Research B, 36, 421-443.
    Lo, Hong Kam, Szeto, Wai Yuen (2002) "A Methodology for Sustainable Traveler Information Services", Transportation Research B, 36, 113-130.
    Lo, Hong Kam, Yip, Chun Wing (2002) "Fare Deregulation of Transit Services: Winners and Losers in a Competitive Market", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 35(3), 215-235.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-1 22:12:12 | 显示全部楼层


Prof. WONG S.C.(黄仕进教授)简介:
Department of Civil Engineering ,The University of Hong Kong ,Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong
Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer)
(   TEL: (852) 2589 1964    FAX: (852)2559 5337   )
E-mail: hhecwsc@hkucc.hku.hk;   URL: http://web.hku.hk/~hhecwsc/
PhD, University College London
Research Interests
• Traffic Signals
Traffic signals have been used for many years to control the traffic over an urban street network, and is considered as a low-cost solution to the traffic congestion problem among other traffic management measures. Research works include phase-based (group-based) optimisation of signal timings for individual junctions and networks, time-dependent analysis of signal-controlled networks and combined signal settings and traffic assignment. Recently, it has been extended to a lane-based approach for isolated junctions and networks, in which both lane markings and signal settings are optimized simultaneously.
• Continuous Modeling for Traffic Equilibrium Problems
By using smooth mathematical functions to represent the macroscopic characteristics of a dense transportation network, the number of unknowns and solution time can be reduced dramatically. The results are easily interpreted by planners to help assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation network, which is especially useful in the early stage of a transportation planning. The continuous modeling for the macroscopic characteristics of a dense transportation system and the solution algorithms for the resultant continuous traffic equilibrium problems are investigated.
• Theory of Traffic Flow
The dynamic of traffic flows can be described by means of a hydrodynamic approach, such as the Lighthill, Whitham and Richards (LWR) kinematic wave model. However, the resultant partial differential equation is subject to some numerical difficulties. Efficient computational schemes for solving the problem are investigated. The LWR model is also extended to the case of heterogeneous drivers.
• Highway Capacity
The concept of reserve capacity of an individual junction has been used extensively as an useful indication on the operational performance of signal-controlled junctions. A flow multiplier is applied to the traffic flows on all approaches to a junction and the largest multiplier that can be accommodated in the junction such that none of the approaches attains a degree of saturation exceeding the respective maximum acceptable value is determined. This maximum multiplier is then used to calculate the reserve capacity of the junction. Research is undertaken to extend this concept of reserve capacity to the cases of priority junctions, roundabouts, and signal-controlled networks.
• Dynamic Traffic Assignment
The dynamic traffic assignment problems has received much attention in the last decades, due to the advancement in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), in particular the route guidance systems. Research is conducted to develop a simulation-based approach to solve the dynamic traffic assignment with application to multi-class, incident management, OD estimation and departure time problems.
• Dynamic Transit Assignment
The problem of steady-state transit assignment has been thoroughly studied in the literature. Little effort, however, has been spent on the dynamic trip assignment for transit networks. Research is conducted on developing a schedule-based approach for dynamic transit assignment for uncongested, congested and stochastic networks. Estimation of time-dependent OD matrices in such networks is also studied.
• Land-use and Transportation Problem
The interaction between land-use and transportation system has long been recognized as an important issue in urban transportation problems. Research is conducted on the development of a multi-segment Lowry-type land-use and transportation model and investigated into its calibration procedure using genetic algorithm and multivariate linear regression analysis with application to Hong Kong situation.
• Urban Taxi Service
Taxis are one of the important means to offer a speedy, comfortable and direct transportation service in most urban areas, and the regulation of taxi service has grown immensely as a subject of city government concern. Research is conducted on developing network equilibrium models for the analysis of urban taxi services.
• Road Safety
Road safety strategies aim to improve three major factors: the behavior of road users including drivers and pedestrians, vehicles, and the road environment. We propose a qualitative assessment methodology that is comprised of a cluster analysis and an autoregression analysis that assess the effects of various road safety strategies that have been implemented in Hong Kong over the last ten years. This method allows the evaluation of the overall effects of the road safety strategies and the effects and relative significance of each individual strategy.
• Doctor of Philosophy, University College London
• Master of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Professional Affiliations
• Fellow, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
• Fellow, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies
• Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
• Member, The Institute of Transportation Engineers
• Member, The Institution of Highways and Transportation
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-1 22:21:54 | 显示全部楼层


Prof. LAM William H.K.(林兴强教授)简介:
Chair Professor of Civil and Transportation Engineering

(Phone no.: (852)-2766-6045   Fax no.: (852)-2334-6389)
Email address: cehklam@polyu.edu.hk   URL:http://www.cse.polyu.edu.hk/~cehklam/
1978  B.Sc. University of Calgary, Canada (Civil Engineering)
1980  M.Sc. University of Calgary, Canada (Civil Engineering)
1992  Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. (Transportation Engineering)
1978-80       University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Research Assistant  
1980-83       Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd., Hong Kong, Traffic Engineer  
1983-present  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor and then Chair Professor of Civil & Transportation Engineering
Supervision of Ph.D. dissertations (4 currently, 3 completed)  
Supervision of M.Phil. dissertations (0 currently, 5 completed)  
Supervision of M.Sc. dissertation (1 completed)  
Supervision of DBA dissertation (1 currently)  
Supervision of MBA. dissertations (2 completed)

Prof. Lam has over 20 years professional experience and has worked extensively in Hong Kong and China for research and consultancy projects, ranging from strategic transport planning for the Territory to traffic impact assessments for local areas (including economic and environmental evaluation). Prof. Lam has been involved in the Third Comprehensive Transport Study (CTS-3) with Wilbur Smith Associates Limited and completed a consultancy project entitled "Review of Annual Traffic Census" for the Transport Department. Recently, he has worked with Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd. for a consultancy project on "edestrian Demand Assessment of the Proposed Elevated Walkways in Wan Chai".
Prof. Lam is being involved in two research projects on "Modelling Pedestrian Movements in Congested Urban Areas" and "Reallocation of Road Space to Different Modes of Transport" sponsored by the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong Government. In addition, he has been participated in evaluation of the effectiveness and the performance of the Park-and-Ride (PnR) trial scheme in Sheung Shui by conducting revealed preference and stated preference surveys for Transport Department in 1998. Prof. Lam has also participated in a Consultancy Study on the Provision, Management and Operation of Traffic Control and Surveillance Facilities for the Strategic Road Network (Agreement No. CE 73/96) with Hyder Consulting Ltd., in which he is providing specialist advice on ITS technology and planning, traffic engineering and transport planning.
Prof. Lam has also been involved in development of the SATURN model in the new airport area for the PAA Contract No. 110 (with Halcrow Asia Partnership Ltd.) so as to provide traffic forecasts for the airport expressway, railway link and roads design. In 1988-1989, Prof. Lam has also participated in a Consultancy Study on the Port & Airport Development Strategy (PADS) with Wilbur Smith Associates Ltd., in which he has provided specialist advice on transport modelling, traffic impact assessment and network evaluation. Prof. Lam has been appointed as retained consultants for Halcrow Fox and Associates and for Wilbur Smith Associates Limited.
Transport planning and traffic forecasting, traffic surveys and simulation,
ITS technology and planning, public transport and pedestrian studies.
发表于 2005-12-25 01:59:37 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由宋涛在 2005/12/26 06:45pm 第 1 次编辑]



(理学院力学所 冯秀芳、雷丽、葛红霞)
发表于 2005-12-25 02:04:38 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/12/25 04:45am 第 1 次编辑]


【1】中国交通科学与技术研究之思考 (杨晓光,同济大学)
【2】城市交通的困境、挑战和发展对策 (范炳全,上海理工大学)
【3】DTA(动态交通分配)模型研究进展 (黄海军,北京航空航天大学)
【4】Some Recent Advances in Modeling Vehicular Traffic Flow, Michael Zhang (张红军,美国加州大学戴维斯分校)
【5】交通流动力学中的若干前沿问题 (戴世强,上海大学)
【6】Trial-and-Error Experimentation on the Second-Best Road Pricing Problem with Unknown Demand Functions ,Hai Yang (杨海,香港科技大学)
【7】Non-equilibrium Dynamic Traffic Assignment , Hong K. Lo (罗康锦,香港科技大学)
【8】A Simultaneous Optimization Formulation of a Discrete/Continuous Transportation System, S .C. Wong (黄仕进,香港大学)
【9】交通运输网络复杂性及其相关问题的研究 (高自友,北京交通大学)
【10】The Generalized Nash Equilibrium Model for Oligopolistic Transit Market With Elastic Demand, Jing Zhou(周晶,南京大学)
【11】Some Problems in Traffic Network Equilibrium Analysis, Jiang-Qian Ying(应江黔,日本歧阜大学)
【12】平面交叉口道路相对走向的数学模型 (余志,中山大学)
【13】复杂交叉路口交通设计的自动化研究 (陈建阳,同济大学)
【14】模拟灾难突发情况下人员疏散行为的交通流元胞自动机模型 (汪秉宏,中国科技大学)
【16】交通流理论研究的新进展——三相交通理论研究 (吴清松、姜锐,中国科技大学)
【17】元胞自动机用于混合交通流的研究 (刘慕仁,广西师范大学)
【18】上海可持续发展交通指标体系 (韩小亮,上海财经大学)
【19】Optimization of Multi-modal Optimization of Multi-modal and Non-motorized Modes William H.K. LAM(林兴强,香港理工大学)。
【20】GIS在交通领域中的应用 (郑江华,北京大学)
【21】采用GPS探测车的城市交通流检测 (盛志杰,上海交通大学)
【22】山区双车道公路车头时距延误分析 (刘 江,北京工业大学)
【23】城市高架路交织区的交通流分析 (雷丽,上海大学)
【24】收费变化时的交通系统成本演化模型 (冯苏苇,上海财经大学)
【25】基于ITS的交通流模型 (葛红霞,上海大学)


发表于 2005-12-25 02:08:53 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-25 02:12:11 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-25 02:13:31 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-25 02:14:53 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2005-12-25 02:16:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-12-25 02:22:45 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由宋涛在 2005/12/25 03:05am 第 1 次编辑]


发表于 2005-12-25 02:25:20 | 显示全部楼层


同济大学交通工程系主任、教授,杨晓光 博士

在中国大陆,交通作为专门的科学与技术问题被研究,仅是二十世纪七十年代的事,晚于对运输问题的研究,也晚于港台  的研究。经过学术界和工程界,包括港台及海外同仁的共同努力,中国交通科学与技术的研究取得了长足的进步与发展,《Transportation Research》、《Transportation Science》等核心学术刊物或重要的学术会议上皆可以频频地见到中国人的名字,但是否可以说我们的交通科学与技术已进入世界之先进行列了呢?本报告将就此提出作者的见解。主要包括:

发表于 2005-12-25 02:31:09 | 显示全部楼层


[这个贴子最后由宋涛在 2005/12/25 03:06am 第 1 次编辑]

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