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SAMRAI Source Code

已有 1521 次阅读2009-1-7 12:21



SAMRAI Source Code Documentation

SAMRAI (Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications Infrastructure) is a research-oriented software development effort in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The project has two main objectives. First, SAMRAI enables the application of SAMR (Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement) technology to computational physics problems important to the DOE and the ASCI program. Seecond, SAMRAI supports algorithm research for adaptive methods in high-performance massively-parallel computing environments.

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回复 xiaohu2000 2009-5-20 21:41
samrai可以从国内下载 。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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