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发表于 2011-8-23 08:39:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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在并行机上node33节点安装ansys12.1 linux64,并配置好了license。更改cfx下的hostinfo.ccl文件,添加了其他子节点,可以实现CFX的多节点并行。



[xxx@node33 ~]$ ./workbench.sh
Ans.AUTODYN:         Load Started
Ans.AUTODYN:         Load Finished
Ans.CFX.Foundation: Load Started
Ans.CFX.Foundation: Load Finished
Ans.CFX.CFDPost: Load Started
Albion root is /data1/ansys_inc/v121
Product directory is /data1/ansys_inc/v121/CFX
Ans.CFX.CFDPost: Load Finished
Ans.Fluent: Load Started
Ans.Fluent: Load Finished
Could not load file or assembly '/data1/ansys_inc/v121/Addins/Simulation/bin/Lin
ux64/Ans.Simulation.RemoteItf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot
find the file specified.
Could not load file or assembly '/data1/ansys_inc/v121/Addins/Meshing/bin/Linux6
4/Ans.Meshing.RemoteItf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find
the file specified.
Could not load file or assembly '/data1/ansys_inc/v121/Addins/FEModeler/bin/Linu
x64/Ans.FEModeler.RemoteItf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot f
ind the file specified.
Could not load file or assembly '/data1/ansys_inc/v121/Addins/DesignModeler/bin/
Linux64/Ans.DesignModeler.RemoteItf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified.
Ans.DesignModeler.Core: Load Started
Ans.DesignModeler.Core: Load Finished
Ans.DesignModeler.GUI: Load Started
Ans.DesignModeler.GUI: Load Finished
Template error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Material_Conditions: Bad Create comman
d Autodyn.CreateRemapFileContainer command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateRemapF
Template error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Solution: Bad Create command Autodyn.C
reateSolution command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateSolution
Template error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Results: Bad Create command Autodyn.Cr
eateResults command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateResults
Template error: Bad system template AUTODYN: missing or invalid cell templates A
UTODYN_Solution, AUTODYN_Results
Error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Material_Conditions: Bad Create command Autodyn
.CreateRemapFileContainer command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateRemapFileContai

Error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Solution: Bad Create command Autodyn.CreateSolu
tion command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateSolution

Error: Bad cell template AUTODYN_Results: Bad Create command Autodyn.CreateResul
ts command: Unknown command Autodyn.CreateResults

Error: Bad system template AUTODYN: missing or invalid cell templates AUTODYN_So
lution, AUTODYN_Results

Template error: Bad project snippet template FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) -> Static Str
uctural: missing or invalid system templates Fluid Flow (CFX)
  at Ans.UI.Views.View.RefreshInternal () [0x00000]
  at Ans.UI.Workspaces.Workspace.Refresh () [0x00000]
  at Ans.UI.UIManager.Refresh () [0x00000]
GLContextLocker: Make Current(thread=1, count=0)
QT: Clear Current(thread=1, count=0)
GLContextLocker: Make Current(thread=1, count=0)
QT: Clear Current(thread=1, count=0)
Error: Problematic URL in 'Custom RSS Feed Address' in 'Project Management' opti

PSView.Receive - Topic : Data, Name : EntitiesCreated, Source : Data
Layout: <SystemBlock Schematic>
Application: Reg Window :AnsysFW
Process dic is being accessed
LinuxAPI: SetKeyHook not yet implemented on Linux
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