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流体中文 网 第二 届数值 模 拟 大赛
徐 慎 忍 id: flowinflow
February 2, 2015
Flow condition:
• Mach number: 0.84
• Angle of attack: 3.06 o
• Reynold’s number: 2 × 10 7
Upp er left: symmetric plane mesh, upp er right: symm etric plane mesh zo omed at the wing ro ot, lo ...
Mach contour at various spanwise lo cations, from top to b ottom: z/b=0.2
The results from Fluent are in go o d agreement with b oth the results from NASA
WIND co de and the exp erimental results, despite the fact that the geometry
used in this work has a planar wing tip, while for the exp eriment and geometry
used by WIND co de, the wing tip is rounded (Fig.11). Since there flow is highly
three dimensional near the wing tip, why this difference in the wing tip shap es
do es not seem to have a strong effect on the sho ck lo cation is sub ject to further