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[讨论]Two warning in CFX-Solve

发表于 2006-9-27 14:47:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Hi,all.I got two fatal error in solve,could someone who meet the same errors do me a favor? Thanks
Notice Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient written to the results file uses "Wall Adjacent Temperature" for the bulk temperature. If you want to override the bulk temperature then set the expert parameter "tbulk for heat tran coef ='; "
ERROR #002100004 has occurred in subroutine Out_Scales_Flu. Message: The Reynolds number is outside of the range expected based on the Option selected for the TURBULENCE MODEL. Check this setting, the values of the properties, mesh scale, consistency of units and solution values in the input file. Execution willproceed.
In my settings,I set Heat Transfer as heat Transfer Coefficient,700[W m^-2 K^-1],outside temperature as 300[K],The first warning exist all the same . the expert parameter "tbulk for heat tran coef = " means what?
The turbulence model I select is K-epsilon rather laminar,but it doesn';t work either.Maybe I shohld try others turbulence model? James
发表于 2006-9-28 18:30:41 | 显示全部楼层

[讨论]Two warning in CFX-Solve

First:“tbulk for heat tran coef”is Expert parameter,that';s "tbulk for htc" in CFX 10.0. Description as follows:
When the Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) is computed for a temperature specified wall, by default a near-wall fluid temperature is used for a temperature scale. However, for consistency with traditional 1D analyses, the user may wish to enter a reference bulk temperature to compute the HTC. This parameter is that reference value.
  Thus the HTC computed when this parameter is provided is equal to the local heat flux calculated by the solver divided by the difference of the specified wall temperature and this specified bulk temperature.
   I have met the same Notice,but no errors.
Second:Maybe you can try other kinds of Turbulence Models, I also met this error before, while i changed the k-e model to Laminar,the error disappeared.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-28 21:29:56 | 显示全部楼层

[讨论]Two warning in CFX-Solve

Hi,wangkun ,thank you for your suggestion.About the second error,I changed the model from the Homogeneous model to Inhomogeneous model,then the error disappeared.Maybe it is not a good way to solve the problem.
By the way,as two phase ,free surface model,such as water fill into a tank  with air,which model I should select,Homogeneous model or Inhomogeneous model?
Jason Chang
发表于 2006-9-29 21:19:56 | 显示全部楼层

[讨论]Two warning in CFX-Solve

If water fill into the tank with a low velocity and there is no spray,i think that you can use the Homogeneous Model.
发表于 2009-3-24 17:02:59 | 显示全部楼层
隔了这些年,我依旧碰见了这个问题,我改成 Laminar模型,但是依旧不行,谁知道给个答案,不胜感激
发表于 2010-5-17 00:06:01 | 显示全部楼层

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