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[求助]生成网格文件时出现错误提示 请指点一下吧

发表于 2004-9-13 17:08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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下面是出现的错误提示 :
The following errors were found during checking:
Face solid1.1 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Face solid1.2 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Face solid1.3 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Face solid1.4 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Face solid1.5 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Face solid1.6 has not be meshed with any quad4 elements.
Apparently incorrect number of  nodes - 0 - on faces 1 and 2 of Solid 1. Please check that the meshing is correct.
Apparently incorrect number of  nodes - 0 - on faces 3 and 4 of Solid 1. Please check that the meshing is correct.
Apparently incorrect number of  nodes - 0 - on faces 5 and 6 of Solid 1. Please check that the meshing is correct.
From number of quad4 elements on the faces of Solid 1 expect to find 2 nodes associated with those quad4 elements. However 0 nodes actually found - probably equivalencing has collapsed some elements.
发表于 2004-11-21 23:08:18 | 显示全部楼层

[求助]生成网格文件时出现错误提示 请指点一下吧

发表于 2004-12-2 09:41:24 | 显示全部楼层

[求助]生成网格文件时出现错误提示 请指点一下吧

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