发表于 2003-4-18 06:39:29
适应性网格=Adaptive grid generation?
Ph.D. Dissertation: ``A Multizone Adaptiv Grid Generation Technique for
c Simulations of Moving and Free Boundary Problems''
c by Hui Zhang in Polytechnic University at Brooklyn.
c Zhang, H., Prasad, V., and Moallemi, M.K., 1995, ``Application of MAGG
c - A Multizone Adaptive Generation technique - for Simulations of Moving
c and free Boundary problems,'' Numerical Heat Transfer.
c Zhang, H. and Prasad, V., 1995, ``A Multizone Adaptive Process Model
c for Crystal Growth at Low and High Pressures,'' Journal of Crystal
c Growth (in press).
c Zhang, H., and Moallemi, M.K., 1995, ``A Multizone Adaptive Grid
c Generation Technique for Simulation of Moving and Free Boundary
c Problems,'' Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Vol. 27, pp. 255-276.
c Zhang, H., and Moallemi, M.K., 1995, ``Numerical Simulation of Hot-Dip
c Metallic Coating Process,'' International Journal of Heat and Mass
c Transfer, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 241-257.
c Moallemi, M.K., and Zhang, H., 1994, ``A General Numerical Procedure
c for Multilayer Multistep IC Process Simulation,'' IEEE Transactions
c on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, |