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[推荐] Physics Reports 上关于交通流理论研究的两篇最新评述文章

发表于 2005-12-17 19:43:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[这个贴子最后由水寿松在 2005/12/20 05:14pm 第 1 次编辑]

发表于 2005-12-17 19:55:32 | 显示全部楼层

[推荐] Physics Reports 上关于交通流理论研究的两篇最新评述文章

今年Physics Reports 有两篇关于交通流理论的综述,都涉及到元胞自动机模型,比较详尽。下面是相关的信息。
《Probabilistic descriptionof traffic flow》
R. Mahnkea, J. Kaupužs, I. Lubashevsky
Physics Reports 408 (2005) 1–130
A stochastic descriptionof traffic flow, called probabilistic traffic flow theory, is developed. The general master equationis applied to relatively simple models to describe the formationan d dissolutionof traffic congestions.Our approach is mainly based on spatially homogeneous systems like periodically closed circular rings without on- and off-ramps. We consider a stochastic one-step process of growth or shrinkage of a car cluster (jam). As generalization we discuss the coexistence of several car clusters of different sizes. The basic problem is to find a physically motivated ansatz for the transition rates of the attachment and detachment of individual cars to a car cluster consistent with the empirical observations in real traffic. The emphasis is put on the analogy with first-order phase transitions and nucleation phenomena in physical systems like supersaturated vapour. The results are summarized in the flux–density relation, the so-called fundamental diagram of traffic flow, and compared with empirical data.Different regimes of traffic flow are discussed: free flow, congested mode as stop-and-go regime, and heavy viscous traffic. The traffic breakdownis studied based onthe master equationas well as the Fokker–Planck approximation to calculate mean first passage times or escape rates. Generalizations are developed to allow for on-ramp effects.The calculated flux–density relation and characteristic breakdown times coincide with empirical data measured on highways. Finally, a brief summary of the stochastic cellular automata approach is given.
《Cellular automata models of road traffic》
Sven Maerivoet, Bart De Moor
Physics Reports 419 (2005) 1 – 64
In this paper, we give an elaborate and understandable review of traffic cellular automata (TCA) models, which are a class of computationally efficient microscopic traffic flow models. TCA models arise from the physics discipline of statistical mechanics,having the goal of reproducing the correct macroscopic behaviour based on a minimal description of microscopic interactions. After giving an overview of cellular automata (CA) models, their backgroundandphysical setup, we introduce the mathematical notations,show how to perform measurements on a TCA model’s lattice of cells, as well as how to convert these quantities into real-world units andvice versa. The majority of this paper then relays an extensive account of the behavioural aspects of several TCA models encountered in literature. Already, several reviews of TCA models exist, but none of them consider all the models exclusively from the behavioural point of view. In this respect, our overview fills this void, as it focusses on the behaviour of the TCA models,by means of time–space and phase-space diagrams, and histograms showing the distributions of vehicles’ speeds, space, and time gaps. In the report, we subsequently give a concise overview of TCA models that are employedin a multi-lane setting, andsome of the TCA models used to describe city traffic as a two-dimensional grid of cells, or as a road network with explicitly modelled intersections. The final part of the paper illustrates some of the more common analytical approximations to single-cell TCA models.
发表于 2005-12-20 12:39:15 | 显示全部楼层

[推荐] Physics Reports 上关于交通流理论研究的两篇最新评述文章

发表于 2005-12-20 12:47:24 | 显示全部楼层

[推荐] Physics Reports 上关于交通流理论研究的两篇最新评述文章

发表于 2005-12-20 13:39:49 | 显示全部楼层

[推荐] Physics Reports 上关于交通流理论研究的两篇最新评述文章

楼主hawktt上传的附件是文章《Cellular automata models of road traffic》,Sven Maerivoet, Bart De Moor,Physics Reports 419 (2005) 1 – 64,不过是预印本,有99页,低清晰版本的。
版友 langweilig上传的文章是《Probabilistic descriptionof traffic flow》,R. Mahnkea, J. Kaupužs, I. Lubashevsky,Physics Reports 408 (2005) 1–130,是正式版本的。
迄今为止,期刊上Physics Reports上发表的专门综述交通流理论的相关文章共有三篇,除了今年的上述两篇以外,还有大家耳熟能详的名篇《Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems》,Chowdhury, Debashish; Santen, Ludger; Schadschneider, Andreas  ,Physics Reports Volume: 329, Issue: 4-6, May, 2000, pp. 199-329。该文章我已经上传在帖子《[热点讨论] 交通科学 与 交通工程 !》( ... ;start=0&show=0)中。
很多研究者有着谈到,一旦在Physics Reports上发表某领域的评述类文章,该领域的研究工作在后续几年将会进入一个平台期,即缓慢发展阶段。但是可以看到,仅仅经历了5年不到的时间,交通流理论的研究的评述一下子出现了2篇,实在是令人兴奋的事情啊!
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