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发表于 2011-9-2 11:04:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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A-Hold the A key and click on an edge to select a sheet
of topology from the current group.
C-- To create corners (hold the C key and left click on the
mouse button to create a corner at the desired location).
E-- To create edge between two corners (hold the E key
and left click on two corners to create an edge).
F-- Face exclusion Key (this key is used when a face of the
topology needs to be excluded while wrapping).
G--Add to group key (Click the desired group number in
the topology builder panel and hold
the G key and draw a window over the topology so that the
windowed topology gets added to the particular group).The
topology can be added to a particular group by clicking the
button in the topology builder panel instead of the G key.
SHIFT+G-- Removes the windowed topology from the
current group. This operation can also be performed by clicking
button from the topology builder panel.
I--Insert Key (Hold the I key and click on the topology to
insert a sheet).
L-- To create a link between two corners (edge) or
between topology .An edge can also be created by clicking the
button on the topology builder panel and draw a window
on two corners.
Q--The Q key does multiple functions
1. Shows the coordinates of the points where the mouse
pointer is placed in the drawing area.
2. Gives the Id and the coordinates of the corner which is
highlighted with the mouse pointer.
3. Gives the length of the edge pointed to.
4. A corner can be moved to a desired coordinate by left
clicking on the created corner while holding the Q key.
SHIFT+Q--moves the centre of rotation to the cursor
pointer on the screen.
R--The remove key. It is used to delete the topology (e.g.
corners and edges).Can also delete the whole topology by
drawing a window over the whole topology.
S-- The Surface key. It has multiple functions.
1. A surface can be picked or made current surface by
holding the S key and clicking on a surface.
2. A surface can also be made as current surface by clicking
the button in the topology builder panel and clicking
the desired surface.
3. A particular set of topology can be assigned to the current
surface by windowing the topology with the S key
SHIFT+S-- This removes the assignment of the topology for
the current surface.

[ 本帖最后由 gridprocn 于 2011-9-2 12:48 编辑 ]


1.16 MB, 下载次数: 742

GRIDPRO. Shortcut Keys in GridPro.pdf

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