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看了官方udf manual,里面有段话:
"High-level communication macros of the form node to host... and host to node...
are typically used when you want to send data from the host to all of the compute nodes,
or from node-0 to the host. You cannot, however, use these high-level macros when you
need to pass data between compute nodes, or pass data from all of the compute nodes to
compute node-0. In these cases, you can use special message passing macros."
同一个manual里,7.8有个具体的例子: Global Summation of Pressure on a Face Zone and its Area Average Computation. 代码在下面, 我看了以后,觉得这个程序里面是有必要在node-0和所有的compute nodes之间传递数据的,所以不能用node_to_host,可是例子却用了,这和上面的那段话是抵触的。我不明白这是为何。 到底应该按照哪种方式?
PRF_CRECV_REAL(from, buffer, nelem, tag)?
Please help, thanks a million! |