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发表于 2013-3-11 21:30:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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小弟在学习fluent,请教各位,激活辐射模型后,在进出口边界(如压力进口边界)中的radiation选项有外部黑体温度及内部发射率设置,fluent给出了如下注释:FLUENT includes an option that allows you to take into account the influence of the temperature of the gas and the walls beyond the inlet/exit boundaries, and specify different temperatures for radiation and convection at inlets and exits. This is useful when the temperature outside the inlet or exit differs considerably from the temperature in the enclosure. For example, if the temperature of the walls beyond the inlet is 2000 K and the temperature at the inlet is 1000 K, you can specify the outside-wall temperature to be used for computing radiative heat flux, while the actual temperature at the inlet is used for calculating convective heat transfer. To do this, you would specify a radiation temperature of 2000 K as the black body temperature.
Although this option allows you to account for both cooler and hotter outside walls, you must use caution in the case of cooler walls, since the radiation from the immediate vicinity of the hotter inlet or outlet almost always dominates over the radiation from cooler outside walls. If, for example, the temperature of the outside walls is 250 K and the inlet temperature is 1500 K, it might be misleading to use 250 K for the radiation boundary temperature. This temperature might be expected to be somewhere between 250 K and 1500 K; in most cases it will be close to 1500 K. (Its value depends on the geometry of the outside walls and the optical thickness of the gas in the vicinity of the inlet.)

此处的“进口远处壁面”是在计算区域内还是计算区域外?outside walls呢?以及设置的内部发射率是指的是进口呢还是指的是“进口远处壁面”呢??
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-13 14:52:08 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1# stefandcl 的帖子

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