楼主 |
发表于 2013-3-28 18:58:31
回复 8# flyyufei 的帖子
Hi, dwfs solves potenial flow based on panel method. In CEASIOM we have "multi-fidelity" CFD solvers, empirical method (DATCOM)->VLM(Tornado)->Euler(Edge)->RANS(Edge), the gap between VLM and Euler is the panel method (you mentioned dwfs). The developers think that if you want fast solution on potential flow, you can use VLM (subsonic compressible flow can be solved by applying the Prandtl–Glauert transformation), and if you want higher fidelity solution, you can use Euler.
"Although dwfs uses far less memory than a conventional panel method, it still requires about one Gigabyte for every 20 000 surface triangles."
Hope this clarifies your doubts a bit |