楼主 |
发表于 2007-12-16 14:21:27
[求助]fluent中check grid时出现这个警告!为什么呢?
下面引用由fslab在 2007/12/15 09:52pm 发表的内容:
如果网格使用gridgen做的,删掉block,重新在做一遍block,可能是方向定义的问题 我的网格是用gambit生成的,读入fluent时就出现了这个!
Face area statistics:
minimum face area (m2): 6.881065e-008
maximum face area (m2): 1.345651e+002
Checking number of nodes per cell.
Checking number of faces per cell.
Checking thread pointers.
Checking number of cells per face.
Checking face cells.
Checking bridge faces.
Checking right-handed cells.
Checking face handedness.
Zone 6: 553 right-handed, 172 left-handed
Checking face node order.
Checking element type consistency.
Checking boundary types:
Checking face pairs.
Checking periodic boundaries.
Checking node count.
Checking nosolve cell count.
Checking nosolve face count.
Checking face children.
Checking cell children.
Checking storage.
WARNING: Grid check failed[color=#7FFF00]文字[color=#7FFF00]文字[br][br][以下内容由 ggkuo 在 2007年12月16日 02:23pm 时添加] [br]
楼上大哥,哪位大虾帮帮忙啊 |