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Initialization failed; perturb boundary nodes and try again.
ERROR:TG_Mesh_Domain failed with error code 1.
ERROR:Tetrahedral meshing has failed for volume volume 50.
This is usually caused by problem in the face meshes.
Check the skewnesses of your face meshes and make sure the face
mesh sizes are not too large in areas of small gaps.
我变下了mesh size 还是不行,不知是什么问题,但是画与其相连并且及其相似的一部分体时用该 mesh size 能够正确网格化成功,不知该如何解决?还有如何调整 skewnesses?谢谢!!!
我一般生成网格都是选择Mesh-> Mesh Volume->Tet/Hygrid, TGid,然后调整spacing , 我不太熟悉局部mesh,所以希望各位解答得时候说得详细些。谢谢!!