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发表于 2004-9-4 09:53:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The many changes made in PHOENICS since the release
of V3.5.1 include:
• Extension of the PHOENICS object concept to
permit non-geometric and geometric attributes
to be stored together
• Provision of a ‘guaranteed convergence’ feature
• Further generalization of the solid-stress feature
• Provision of numerous new features in the
graphical user interface
• Many improvements to FLAIR, the specialpurpose
program for HVAC and fires in buildings
• Extensions to the PHOENICS Commander
• A re-working of Shapemaker which can now add
and store non-geometric objects, as well as
creating their shapes
• Use of dynamic memory allocation in all
• Restoration and extension of parallel-PHOENICS
The following object types have been added to the
existing list:
• “General_plate” (zero thickness, flat or curved)
• “Drag_lift” object (drag and lift calculation, 3D)
• “Assembly” object (master and related
components structure)
[The new “Assembly” object has been introduced to act
as a ‘container’ for any number of other objects.]
PHOENICS-3.6 is available in Beta form, with more
widespread release expected during Autumn 2004.
Flair Enhancements
Many new and improved features have been added to the
special-purpose FLAIR (building services) module of
• A “Person” object was created for a single
person acting as source of heat, humidity and
any solved scalars.
• Similarly, the “People” object was created to
represent large numbers of people.
• Diffuser (mass an heat source/sink, 3D)
• Fire object (piece-wise linear heat, mass and
smoke sources for transient calculations)
The Comfort-index calculation: PPD, PMV, TRES, Mean
Age of Air.
FLAIR provides for three comfort index calculations:
• Dry resultant temperature (TRES) (CIBSE Guide)
• Predicted mean vote (PMV) (ISO 7730)
• Predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD)
(ISO 7730)
What’s New in PHOENICS-3.6
PHOENICS NEWS Autumn 2004 6
Standing - and sitting - person objects
Help entry on comfort indices
FLAIR provides a humidity calculation, including output of
humidity ratio and relative humidity. The solved-for
specific humidity equation, MH2O, has units of kg water
vapour/kg mixture. It is a mass fraction of water vapour.
Several derived quantities can be displayed. These are:
• Humidity ratio, which has units of (g/kg)
• Relative humidity (%)
[In this case, the water-vapour saturation pressure, partial
pressure and mole fraction are also made available for
The units used to specify boundary sources (inlets,
openings, volume sources) can be set on the dialogs for
the individual objects.
The options are:
• Specific Humidity (Mass fraction) (kg/kg, kg/s)
• Humidity ratio (g/kg, g/s)
• Relative humidity (%)
[The default is Specific Humidity]
The default Up direction is set to Z instead of Y as in
earlier versions.
The default domain size is set to 10 x 10 x 3m to be more
representative of an average room or office shape and
size. The automatic convergence control is set as the
default option.
A more comprehensive description of these, and other
improvements, can be found by clicking on:
What’s New in PHOENICS-3.6 - continued
Melbourne Cricket Ground
Pictures featured in plot of the month - TECPLOT Inc - wwwtecplot.com
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-4 11:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


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