发表于 2009-6-18 00:05:27
一种说法:Grid, double check you grid.
二种说法:usually autopartion creates lot of problems, i would suggest if u can read the cas data in single processor and do
manual partionaing and then save the case data and read them in fluent double processor version, i also used to get lot of
errors till i started doing this.
三种说法:I also had such problem. What I understood is, it is due to the insufficient memory. I obserbed that when i did
partitioning for the same case with 2 CPUs but with higher allocated memory, everything was ok. Also, i tried with reduced
number of cells in the domain, on the machine with relatively low memory, again everything was fine. So probably, memory
problem in your case.
详细参见www.cfd-online.com上的帖子 |