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CFX fatal error问题 紧急求助

发表于 2012-11-14 08:46:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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xp系统下CFX在计算运行时出现fatal error框,详细如下:The application has encountered an unexpected problem and will now terminate:

Aborting due to unexpected error:
comm::error: RemoteEngineProtocol::sendInternal - A fatal error has occurred during communication with the engine:
socketError: Socket::socketSend - send: connection reset

Please report this error, along with the circumstances in which it occurred.

The following information may be useful to CFX support:

Unexpected error: Aborting due to unexpected error:
comm::error: RemoteEngineProtocol::sendInternal - A fatal error has occurred during communication with the engine:
socketError: Socket::socketSend - send: connection reset
The error occurred at the following location:
The error occurred at the following location:
The error occurred at the following location:
The error occurred at the following location:
The error occurred at the following location:
The error occurred at the following location:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-4 09:57:36 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1# boy眷恋 的帖子

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