- Fluent 批处理技巧 2009-01-25
- 原文是我师弟发在飘渺水云间的,在此转载一下 Fluent批量计算 对于工程应用来说,计算精度要求不高,但是计算的case比较多,尤其模型优化工作,你可 能有几 ...
- (7554)次阅读|(6)个评论
- OpenFVM 2009-01-07
- http://openfvm.sourceforge.net/ OpenFVM is a general CFD solver released under the GPL license. It was developed to simulate the flow in complex ...
- (1642)次阅读|(2)个评论
- SAMRAI Source Code 2009-01-07
- 可惜要美国公民才能下载 http://wwwrel.ph.utexas.edu/openGR/samrai-dox/html/main.html SAMRAI Source Code Documentation SAMRAI (Structur ...
- (1575)次阅读|(1)个评论
- 继续发开源软件 Code_Saturne 2009-01-07
- http://rd.edf.com/the-edf-offers/research-and-development/softwares-107001.html Code_Saturne Code_Saturne is EDF's general purpose Computati ...
- (1999)次阅读|(0)个评论
- 另一个开源软件 Dolfyn 2009-01-07
- http://www.dolfyn.net/index_en.html Introduction The Open Source CFD code dolfyn is an initiative in Noord-Brabant , a Dutch province in t ...
- (1803)次阅读|(0)个评论
- OpenFOAM1.5 发布 2009-01-07
- 作为第一篇日志,转发一个OpenFOAM主页的消息,虽然有点旧 OpenCFD release OpenFOAM version 1.5, 14th July 2008 OpenCFD are pleased to annou ...
- (1851)次阅读|(0)个评论